However, it's your decision, and alot of people are quite happy with the new redesigned non-GPL-violating bleepbloop carts.
As far as I'm aware, the microcontroller firmware is still the same on the new carts. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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However, it's your decision, and alot of people are quite happy with the new redesigned non-GPL-violating bleepbloop carts.
As far as I'm aware, the microcontroller firmware is still the same on the new carts.
BTW does anybody know wich SIO mode ldsj operates on?
SnuGG: Sorry, but I need to remind you about one of the rules: "Please indicate prices on items you are selling, if you are tying to see what you can get for it use an auction site like ebay." urposemode
Get on it!
I'd say + 8-bit mode sounds like a better idea. The main problem is 5V vs 3.3V compatibility, and I'd guess that you'd encounter the same problems whether you are using general purpose mode or "normal" serial mode.
One problem however, is that GBA can't send data at any lower rate than 256 KHz in GBA mode. That should be just fine with a DMG, but perhaps the high speed combined with the low voltage will make the transfer unstable. If you look at the DMG schematic, you'll see that all the serial port pins hove some input prtection circuitry, including a 100 pF, which might bite enough away of the rising edge of the data that the tranfer (sometimes?) fails.
My recommended procedure is:
1) Try the "normal" mode in 8-bit mode with GBA as master.
If that's not stable enough...
2) Try "normal" mode in 8-bit mode with GBA as slave and DMG etc as slave.
That should work stable, but you obviously can't be master. So you can...
3) Try emulating the serial protocol in "general purpose" with a much slower speed. DMG's master mode is 1 kbit/s, for comparison. A few kbit/s should be no problem for the DMG, but if 1) didn't work, you know 256 kbit/s is far too much.
Gambatte, ne!
RG: Have you tried
Why haven't I replied here yet?
Any voltage in the range 5-7 V DC will work fine. The trick is to find one with the right size that is also DC and center negative. If you find a plug of the right size, you can always repurpose it with a suitable transformer.
The hum is annoying but ultimately harmless. Unless you're recording and want a clean sound, of course.
Ground planes, ground planes! And way bigger Vcc lines.
Bump! Rolf, has this project progressed?
Moved to general discussion for correctness. I'll close this thread on Monday, because then there will be no excuse to have fun anymore!
Probably not "glitch out" in any meaningful way, more like the play field is inverted but sprites and score/lives area is not, or something like that. Or that the screen is supposed to flash but doesn't. (Think: Defeated boss and such.)
so this means we can use nitro's inverted palette tut to mess with any GB game?
Depends on the game. In principle yes, but if a game does some funky video effects where the value is changed dynamically it's a little more complicated than just changing a value like that. It should be trivial for simple games like Tetris etc, however.
Can anyone say... triverted?!
You are 20 minutes late. Check the tweet!
There is not a lot of fun things going on here.
When something fun happens, it gets closed.I request more fun.
'cause girls, they wanna have fun.
Yeah, girls just wanna have fun.
8bc went down about an hour ago. You made this thread about an hour ago. Coincidence? I think not!
ASSEMblergames has a nice discussion about it. / Forums / Posts by nitro2k01