
(25 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

munchluxe63: Could you tell me
1) which CPU board revision that GB using (remove the battery cover and peek into the hole where the battery latch goes. It should say DMG-CPU-0x where x is the revision.)
2) Which type of cartridge you're using.
3) which type of phone that is. (Brand as well as whether it's just GSM, 3G etc.)

One thing I'd like you to try is to try this with an original game cartridge. Or even without a cartridge. In this case, you would need to time the text/call so that it happens while the black line (missing logo) is still moving across the screen.


(25 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

herr_prof wrote:

Also the fcc says you have to accept all inference. The crashes are probably a coincidence.

You forgot the rest of the sentence: "This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation."
What this actually means is that you have no right to take legal action against someone operating a licensed transmitter (like a cellphone) that creates interference with that device. It does not imply that the device must work under all conditions. Basically, if a licensed transmitter crashes your device, joke's on you.


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

In WinRAR, select all the files, right click and choose "extract each archive to separate folder". I'm sure 7-zip has some similar option if you want to use that. The problem is different conventions with regard to whether you put the files in a subfolder in the archive. Some labels do, some don't. For those labels that do, you're going to get a folder inside a folder for those zip files.

Hello Mike. Someone mentioned giving away complimentary Premium subscriptions to artists who have their music in the database and request it. Is this something you would consider?

This is slightly off-topic, but these organizations are indeed dicky sometimes. Here's what happened to me lately. I have a video on YouTube where I'm playing around with my modular synth. This is filed under the category music. I got a copyright claim from "Music Publishing Rights Collecting Society", which is not any single organization, but an umbrella name for all these organizations. What this claim means is that this society will have the right to place ads on the video and collect money that way. Since this was not a performance of any musical work, and certainly not of any musical work associated with any rights collecting society, I appealed it saying the work had been misidentified (even though no song name was identified in the claim.) This immediately lead to the claim being revoked, saying all parties agreed to the appeal.

The only conclusion I can draw here is that these rights collecting societies have bots (or cheap paid monkeys) that pick YouTube videos marked as music, at random and make these claims. They know a big share of people will be too afraid (to lose their account or similar) to actually appeal the claims. So they get a small but steady revenue stream this way. All while not having to identify themselves or specify what the claim is for. I call bullshit on that.

YouTube support forum discussion


(234 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Remind me to do a GB side utility which measures the exact timings the GB receives.


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Saskrotch wrote:
nordloef wrote:

Why? It already exist so many better, easier and cheaper ways to backup your songs than some rare third party backup thingy...

word, it's much easier and more practical to just have 2 usb carts and a laptop.

And/or LSDj with LittleFM, if only that nitro2k01 dickwad would make the program easier to install to a LSDj ROM.


(50 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I hate to play the devil's advocate, but how is the contrast in real life, ompared to, say, a green LED backlight?

The Gameboy CPU core is rather different from a Z80, and more akin to an Intel 8080, but still different. Even so, Gameboy is made up by its peripheral cirucitry, (which is all in the same chip) so you need to emulate that in full. If you have no experience with anything, you're quite frankly not going anywhere with that project. My best advice would be to save those Z80 chips and perhaps try to sell them at some point when someone needs them as replacement parts. The problem: you don't even know if they work and have no way to test for it...

What Bryface and Akira said. I don't agree with notion that just because music is a subjective experience, it's completely impossible to evaluate quality of music objectively. I (like most people I'm assuming) can listen to music I don't like and still say whether the song is good or bad. Even if the song doesn't "do it" for me, I can tell that whether the musician is skilled or not, and whether the song is skillfully made. But of course, these other two gentlemen expressed it much more eloquently than I.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The RAM was cleared in this instance. Sorry. sad


(9 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

http://blog.gg8.se/wordpress/2008/12/09 … r-concept/

That's my pretentious attempt at doing something cool. An Arduino-based VCO. I made a quite imperfect resistor ladder DAC which got the bits wrong. So my sine wave ended up being not quite a sine wave. Which was more than ok for my purposes. The frequency response was also not quite 1 V/Oct (to say the least). This was also ok, since I used a Serge analog sequencer at the time. (Adjusting knobs, so the exact tracking didn't matter.) What I wanted to do next was a delay line, which failed because the Arduino kept crashing. Later I found out that the Arduino compiler doesn't do any checks whether you've allocated more memory than is available on the target, and that seems like the likely reason why I couldn't get it to work at the time. Now I feel inclined to try that again after a discussion on the SDIY mailing list.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It's probably gone, but you can try sending the file to me.

My user name followed by @gmail.com


(24 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Five bucks in your face.


Ok, Then it's likely that there are no units without an FCC notice.