(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hmm, I haven't tried it yet but I read up on Rit dye a couple days ago and all that was said for the mixture was the dye and hot water. What exactly is the acetone for?


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yep, Vex does hand paint the letters. He's currently working on a paint job for a friend/customer of mine doing that.

Ahh, from the pics it looked like a silver one. Yeah, I've checked the wiki on which colors were the 101 vs. 001 to make sure I wasn't getting a backlit one.

Hmm, I for some reason thought the silver SPs were frontlit...glad I didn't bid for one off ebay.

Yeah me too, I'll have to send him a better pic then.

Alright, so I'm in need of a broken SP, needing the AGS-001 system for it's frontlight or just the frontlight itself. I have no idea how much to offer for the unit or light so really just give me a price and we can discuss it. I'll be straight forward, I don't want to spend more then $15 at most for a system since all I need is the frontlight. If you have multiple systems/lights I might be interested in getting more then one as well, depending on how much you're asking for them. Just send a PM if you're looking to get rid of these things!

I really like the look of it personally. On the level of pro-sound it's just as good as anything else I've used but it's just a nice clean board. Not to mention if you're into jamming a bunch of mods into your Gameboy, arduinoboy, 1/4" and RCA, MIDI ports etc. etc. It really helps keep the inside of you case clean. If you're familiar with Nex's mod blog he actually puts a 1/8" jack in about the same location as Apeshits would be located. Only difference is he builds his own board and Apeshits is already assembled, just need to do a bit of solder work and drill/smooth out a hole and you're done.

Just to show how it looks after it's installed.

I'll tell you first hand, the Apeshit PCB is awesome. I have one on my personal Gameboy.

Well, either way they look amazing and I'm already wanting a few for some projects I'm working on at the moment. wink  Can't wait till these are ready!

Any chance of doing a pre-order for these? Also, any idea of price range?

If the amp drain on the Nintendo battery pack is correct then it's 150mA. ASM has usb power adapters actually.  http://www.asmretro.com/product/dmg-to- … r-adapters

I had no idea about the LCD contrast! Thanks kitsch, learn something new everyday.

Well bibin is already working on this http://mikejmoffitt.com/tut/superdmg.html  maybe you can cram it into a color or pocket case?

Oh, and a place on the CPU you should be able to connect LEDs to are these locations. Just make sure you have the correct resistor for the LED(s) you're using. I'm sure there are other locations you can solder to but this was just off the top of my head.

The batteries are DC power and the power board regulates the 6V input into a 5V output. I asked NeX a question about running higher voltage through the power board once and he said you'd want to keep the volts as close to the 5-6V range as possible to make sure you don't burn it out. So the 9V would be a no go. If you're running power converters/wall chargers they're changing AC into DC. I'm looking at one of my Nintendo DMG battery packs right now and it shows the input as AC 120V and output as 4.8V DC. The wall chargers and battery packs bypass the power board from what I can tell, nitro or NeX could probably answer that better than I could. If that is true then you can take out the power board all together but then you'd be tethered to a wall plug any time you use the system.


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Because the modded ones allow you to hook them up to a mixer. That's why I said Famitracker was better to get first.....