All I'm really curious about is if anyone knows of, or can give insight into some decent bends for the Casio MT-100 synth. After reading up on it and checking the board itself I can see some points where they intended to make connections but wanted to know if anyone knew off hand where they should bridge to. What type of resistors, caps or pots they would need or could use. Things of this nature. I've found a few bends on my own but would like to get more out of the synth if possible. Even if you don't know anything but could point me in the direction of a thread that might help I'd be very thankful.


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

trash80 wrote:

I'm sorry I was harsh but hey, it was 1 post where I was blunt. It was not a personal attack, and no of course I cannot condone it. How would you feel if you did a slew of research & development for free, for the community, to then have someone else turn around and use it for profit without permission?

Originally DSC said that he could make them with other chip programs as well like LSDJ or nanoloop, if I remember correctly. Which would mean what he's selling is the rack design itself, not the programs that are installed into it. I would understand if he was selling the programs outright without permission but installing it into a Game Boy rack that a customer ordered doesn't really seem the same. I mean, kitsch wouldn't get crap for flashing a cart with mGB for a customer that just bought the cart would he?

pixls wrote:

I like the added screen and stuff, but it kind of takes away the nice simplicity of the older ones, but you know what this means, cheaper old ones! guess i'm getting a koassilator soon.

It has begun.....


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

DSC had an interesting idea and created a rack mount that had 2 Game Boys(with screens on the front) running mGB and an NES inside. He was wanting idea's or feedback on it to make it better or possibly sell it. The thread was going good with a lot of feedback and ideas until Trash80 made his comment. If you look right after that Trash80 quoted DSC so you can see what he said and exactly how he reacted to it. Then in a flash.....BAM.....X's for all of DSCs posts.

Personally, the idea was interesting to me. The applications could work for some individuals but not for everyone. Trash80 was a little harsh with his criticism and DSC was instantly offended.


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Personally I wouldn't need to much on the documenting side, just a quick pic and summary of what you did. Same as what NeX does for his blogs. If there is more interest in you documenting it I wouldn't be opposed to it though. wink


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kineticturtle wrote:

Is there any way these could be sold as kits, say with the enclosure, arduinoboys and power supply installed, but you provide your own systems, backlights, carts, etc? It seems like the most complicated thing you'd have to take care of would be gameboy controls, otherwise it's just linking power inputs to the power supply and building out the prosounds.

I agree with this since I like to do most of my own work if possible.


(149 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I would actually like more info on this thing since I have most of the components, besides the rack, just laying around. Any pics of the inside of the case? If you plan to make them what would the price range be?


(13 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Just an update for anyone that hasn't checked yet, the case is out for this synth.

danimal cannon wrote:

Wow those are like Moog Taurus pedals which are pretty fucking rare

This was exactly the reason I wanted it. Even though it doesn't have the built in effects of a Taurus it still is the basic bare bones of one. Hell, even if I had to purchase the thing, the barely $11 I threw down would have been well worth it. I'm really excited to get it up and running again. If it didn't have to be plugged in I'd think about bending it myself but I don't want to fry any of the chips in it since it's so rare now. I'll keep this post up to date with any progress or lo-fi kits I put on it. wink

I almost forgot to mention the guy gave me the Volume Pedal as well (aka VP-2) along with this thing!

Alright, so this is my Casio FK-1 Bass Pedal.

Most of you will have no idea what this thing is so I decided to share this rare item. This was originally the bass pedal for the Casio Symphonytron 8000. Here is a really good site to give more in depth info on the whole system . If you read on that site you'll see that only 100 of these were ever made. I just so happened upon this piece on ebay a few days back and picked it up for a whole $10.53 USD. … 720wt_1396  Lucky for me I was located in the same area as the guy selling it so I was able to do a local pickup. While I was on my way the guy sent me a message telling me that the thing wasn't turning on for some reason and he would just refund my money back but let me pick the pedal up anyway! Talk about a sweet deal! Told me he only wanted it to go to a good home. smile  I also found out this thing is really big, 27.5in by 21.5in (70cm by 55cm). After opening up the pedal I found it was nothing more than 2 blown fuses, easy fix.

As I got to talking to the guy about the rest of the synth I found out he torched it....literally....because no one would take the damn thing. Here is the actual video of it being torched.   After opening up the pedal as well I found a bit of the white dust from that extinguisher still inside of it.   (Sorry for the crappy photos)

I also found out the only other video on youtube about this item was actually posted by the same guy. Sadly this is the only way to really hear this thing play, at least until I get it up and running again. wink 

So that's my new toy! Hope you guys liked learning about this thing and I'm open to suggestions for any mods that can be done to it. Nothing huge, maybe a small kit from getlofi or something that can be easily installed to the audio out. Don't want to ruin this bad boy for nothing. wink

So I went out and got a PS1 controller for less then $3 USD at a Goodwill. This is a little bit of a better view of how far they stick out with only modifying the guide tabs. A little handy blade work on the tabs and they fit right in. Oh, and my buttons had 4 tabs on them so maybe it is a regional thing or possibly the difference between PS1&2. I'm also wondering if the PS1 buttons are smaller or not, the buttons fit perfectly without any further modifying other then the guide tabs.

With one of ASMs new blue screen covers as well. Give the look of the fat PS2 face plate! ASM might finish that project after all. wink

Possibly my mistake. I only had an online pic to go by and it looked like they had 4 tabs total. This looks really badass by the way.

justinthursday wrote:

Super awesome, ASM!

And not only do you need to cut the tabs off on SNES buttons, you need to drill the back of them a little bit or the buttons simply wont work.

This is true. A little Dremel work takes care of that for the most part. If you have a Dremel you'll want something like one of the Carbide Cutter bits. Just realized I didn't mention this in the first few posts. If anyone is going to try the SNES buttons make sure you don't drill down to far as well, it really is only about 1-2mm that needs to be shaved out of the middle part.

Nah, no buzzkill for me, I love seeing that I'm not the only one with these ideas. The comment was on the PS1 buttons for the most part. Yet again, it was only if I was able to get these broken controllers in the first place since I'd have WAY more then I'd need. Just wanted opinions on the matter if it came to be. wink

I love this community, if you think you're the first to try something you almost always find out you're not. tongue At least it keeps you from trying something out and it being a waste. The Dpad sounds interesting though. If I knew where to go to get the mold and casting for these buttons I'd be all over it. Not to mention I have a few other ideas of buttons/parts for the DMGs I'd love to get made and sell. Not trying to be competition or anything, more like the love that kitsch and Apeshit have with selling some of the same stuff and each others parts. wink