Yep, it's cynthcart. I've got it as well but been having issues getting my C64 up and running. I know he also has MSSIAH but don't think he used it on this piece.

I like what he's done since he got that Launchpad.


im surprised that nobody has posted the new 8bit betty album, which is without a doubt the most maximum vocaloid / chip album ive ever heard:

After listening to this album I really want to know what voice banks/libraries are being used for those vocals. I've been curious on what people were using for the longest time but never really did any research until this thread. Was in for a bit of a shock when I saw that Vocaloid was around $90 and some of the libraries were over $150. hmm

LukHash just dropped another video of Supremacy/Overlord remix. Passing it along as I tend to do.


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I normally started with a good riff or melody to set the mood of the song for me. Then I'm able to imagine a beat around that and move from there. Sometimes I change the melody based on how the beat fills out which can totally go a different direction from how the song started originally. It's like drawing for me I guess, I always start with the eyes and nose then work my way out.


(64 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Are you only selling the korg items together or is there any way to split them up?


(4 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I was really impressed with the Megaman one myself. This video was posted back in 2012 and I just seemed to have missed it but I'm really glad I stumbled on it.


(4 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

For those that have the OP-1s I found this video with the presets.

Presets can be downloaded from here with a few other presets made by this guy.


(17 replies, posted in Trading Post)

My wife just said you should be putting your artwork on things like t-shirts, notebooks, and posters. We both dig your style.


(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I've got one that I haven't finished that's going to have an echo/reverb built in to an old solar battery accessory. Got the idea from NeX. If space isn't an issue you could add stuff like pedal effects into it like that. I've also seen someone that put a rechargeable battery into one that used a USB connector, that or a DC jack, can't remember.

Finally broke down and donated!


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

You know I'm not to sure.  I live in the states and he's out of the UK so I'd be rather hard for me to see him in the first place. I check his website and facebook every so often to see if anything is going down but never seen anything about live shows.


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Hey guys, just showing some more love for LukHash with his recent post from his Facebook page and soundcloud, Android. Free for download as well from soundcloud!


(4 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Last I saw Stenobot had one of these for sale here. Not sure if he's still got it but he might be able to give you some good info on it. He's even got some vids he posted on his thread.

Like the title says, I'm looking for someone that mods/fixes C64s stateside. After having issues with getting a power supply that even worked or fear of it frying (not to mention the price of a unit that might not work in the first place) I feel I need to get the help of someone more skilled then myself.  I know akira^8GB does it but he's in the UK and the shipping would be more then the modding service. I'm sure I could have put this in the trading posts but I'm not exactly in the market yet, just wanting to find someone first and discuss possible mods or services.


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

My older stuff used tons of samples, but its not like you could pick out a track in a song and know what it was from. I was always told that you were allowed 3 sec of sampling from a musician friend of mine. Don't have a clue if that's true or not but I never wanted to test it. Copyright laws aren't so cut and dry either. If you've ever tried to look into them to see where you might be pushing it the lines you'll notice that they tend to be vague or overlap. Most of the times I've noticed record labels are more interested in people downloading illegally then for copyright issues. Best rule of thumb I always went by was to 1. Never sell a song that I used a sample in, ever.  2. Give credit to the artist you used. Even artist such as Daft Punk have every song they used for samples or remixing listed on their albums. If you give credit to the artist you tend to find yourself in a loophole that DJs tend to get by with. If someone knows where that track is from then they can find the original and possibly buy it, so in a sense you're helping to promote said artist.