(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I've had mine for a few months now but I've been preoccupied with other things to really make use of it yet. I played around with it a bit when I first got it. Tons of fun, can easily spend hours tweeking sounds out of the thing and making patches. I had Korgs facebook page liked and was getting weekly patches to try out for a while, haven't seen them for a bit though.

If you were going to run the wires up that far you could just pull the ground wire through the hole that the cap is in and run it up the backside of the board. Less likely to run into fitment issues. You could also put the switch on the side of the case. I think justinthursday has some pics of mods he's done on his site like that.

Edit: I just checked his site, doesn't have the pics up anymore. I'm sure you can find other modded gameboys with switches on the side of the case.

And here I am waiting for the Volca to finally hit the US and you keep putting this thing in my face......stop making it so tempting!


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

basspuddle wrote:

have any of y'all tried out the presonus eris monitors? they're supposed to be super unbiased/accurate.

After researching the PreSonus E8s I'm very interested in these monitors actually. Better frequency range then the Yamaha hs80m and about $100 cheaper. If you don't care about the low range you could opt for the E5s, at $150 it's a really good deal.


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

jackary wrote:

In regards to the Peter mod, you can get rid of it with a scourer and some eucalyptus oil! (Or sandpaper works amazingly too!).

I think the Mr.Clean Magic Eraser would do a pretty good job of taking that off as well since it can also take off the silkscreen lettering.

This thread might have some good answers for you actually.


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Rockman uses a gameboy and electribe together pretty well. Has a few vids on his youtube page.

I actually just bought this and to be honest, its a nice little program. Easy to use, scrolls from left to right instead of up to down like most trackers, can make clips that are up to 16 step sequences and then dropped into the song grid. I liked that its very easy to make clips and keep track of them based on color and number coding. Still playing around with it but for the $8 it wasn't that bad of a buy. I'll post more once I've become a little more familiar with it.

This is a tutorial I found by the creators, it's from the original Rytmik app but at least it shows how easy it is to use and edit.

I'm really curious, that battery is only 3.7V and the DMG uses 5V. What did you use to change the voltage, or does the DMG convert it up as well?

I have one, but I use it. hmm

Teh D3th St4r wrote:

The fact that you have a jar of peanut butter on your work table makes me respect you all the more.


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Subterrestrial wrote:

Apparently from what I've heard it stays in tune and doesn't drift like the original. Not sure how much difference there is between the mini-jacks and the original 1/4" ones. I used an Arp 2600 before which had mini-jacks and it didn't seem to matter. The only thing is (depending on what type of device you're using) you'll probably have to use an adapter if you're plugging something else in for audio processing, CV input, etc....

At least they give you a lot of cables. I was watching a video from NAMM and somebody said the original only came with 2!

It has 1/8" inputs and outputs for all of the patching and processing and comes with 10 patch cables out of the box. This site had the best deal for a MS20 that I found.


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I'm still waiting for my MS-20 mini to show up. I pre-ordered one back in early Feb. and was recently told it should be showing up in early May.


(45 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Haven't done much in a while but this was what I did/do when not trying to mod something or playing with my new gear. https://soundcloud.com/muzacinsomnia
http://muzacinsomnia.bandcamp.com/album … ng-started


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Teh D3th St4r wrote:
Another Castle wrote:

Same here, planning on going for Electrical Engineering (and maybe business, who knows)

I recommend electrical engineering. The majority of the unemployed college graduates have business degrees, and there's a sore lack of engineers of any kind in America... that, and being an engineer is rad (you get to build stuff for a living).

If I had a choice I'd have done the same and taken Electrical Engineering. I started collage in multimedia, the program I did got terminated about 3/4 of my way through because it wasn't a recognized certification. Life got in the way after that fell through and I've regretted not starting this degree path long ago.


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Funny, I was just thinking of starting a similar thread like this one.

Well, I've worked from one crap job to the next since I was 15 (I'll be turning 30 this June). I've done damn near everything; projectionist, electrician, customer service, food service, hell I even worked for a radio station for a while setting up equipment. Currently I'm a "technician" at an Valvoline oil change. Can't say I love my job but at least it's helped me get some cool toys as of late (OP-1 and new MS-20 mini!). 

When it comes to music I noticed I was better at producing back when I had almost no money or gear but tons of time. Now that I have more money and gear with no time, I feel like I have writers block. I've had ideas to try and keep myself at home and generate a form of income but it's hard to really feel like there's any security in a online/home business.