Well, it depends on the platform. You wouldn't create a clicky wavetable on a modern PC, like you would on a gameboy. It's fun to work with unique hardware.

BeatScribe wrote:

I think a realistic goal (without charging a monthly fee) would be a site that has embedded soundcloud/bandcamp players for things you select or like and it puts them all on a list together.

That's a pretty good idea. To focus on chip music, hosted around the web, and create a social context for discovering and talking about music. Soundcloud is a good option.

TDK wrote:

LOL - well I did release in December, and got one reply. Posted a track for some constructive critisism, nothing at all. So different to the good ol' days in the early 90's.

Maybe that's because the group of enthusiasts (henceforth referred to as 'the scene') was so small back then. So people were more supportive. There are so many EPs, its hard to listen to every one. Thats I think why the natives crack down, and say that you need to do more self-edititing.  Just my 2cents. Your album is really good btw.


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

Really well made VGm.

The epic battle between cerebral and fun.

Decktonic wrote:
breakphase wrote:

I feel ya. I've gone on the same rant. It's sad that the atmosphere is gone from dubstep.

It's not like one style came along and completely erased the other. I don't think anyone in this day and age pretends that brostep is comparable to the stuff you guys are talking about. They are just different styles. Some people like sub bass and some people like high pitched modem squeals. There's still producers out there making the classic stuff. So what?

Well, I don't want to make a thing of it, but sometimes it *seems* like wubstep is all there is. It's just everywhere. Still I've learned to surpress my cynicism and evaluate each wub on it's own merits. I know there's still the other stuff out there.

Downstate wrote:

Where's the space ? The cavernous sub ?

I feel ya. I've gone on the same rant. It's sad that the atmosphere is gone from dubstep.


(6 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

goat tracker is written for windows and Mac. It's not a basic program. If Apple allowed c64 emulators, you could run a real c64 tracker, but they don't unfortunately.


(6 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Nah not unless someone ports the whole kitten kaboddle. For now the closest thing is sunvox.

Pretty enjoyable actually -- as far as brostep goes.


(60 replies, posted in Releases)

I kind of love this


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Now a days only ACTUAL hip hop lumberjacks wear flannel and backwards hats.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

That's true, it may just be the path of least resistance.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:

I think its more of a parallel development thing.

Yeah it's a general trend that in the past 6-7 years people have started appreciating old school computer sounds, and old video games. I doubt that most of these musicians were influenced by chipmusic per se.

As long as cm.o remains a place to share knowledge and music, I think it's great.

egr wrote:

Moving all cc to the music section would:
1.  end all the cc threads (a win for everyone)
2.  place more attention on the music section
3.  spur more interaction in the music section rather than just consumption

Yeah that is where the cc should happen.