little-scale wrote:
spacetownsavior wrote:

I changed the age brackets so that there's a little more resolution between 22-40 years old

Cool. I am older than 25, but I have done much development on hardware that is older than I am.

Yeah true that. The more interesting hardware is stuff that was before my time like the c64 or atari. And Im 26, so 25 is maybe a bit low.


(44 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This is a cool app man. You should think of merging it with a web version. Like the one 2xAA was trying to do.

celsius wrote:

Well, how about this one. My main criteria in a value assessment of a musical composition is the emotive response it evokes in me. Which is 100% subjective. Surely this is one of the main, if not the main purpose, of music.

It's easy if we're talking about a can opener because it has a primary intended primary function. To open cans. You could have the most gorgeously designed can opener by aesthetic standards. It could be light weight, low cost, recyclable and shoot fucking lazers but if it fails to open a can with ease then it can be judged as a low quality can opener.

What then do people think is the primary function of music?

Just to weigh in, I think music is art. As such it's function in society is hard to define. Sometimes it social(dance music). Sometimes it's nationalistic or patriotic. Rock music is more participatory and Democratic. It can free us from normal thinking and suggest a higher purpose. It can be religious. It can be a way to identify yourself in society, especially in a period where normal class distinctions can't be relied upon to answer the question, "Who am I?" All music is expressive or emotive, but can be used in many different ways.

I think that technical proficiency in music is as important as it is in painting. The rules that ground musical theory are based on demonstrable, objective facts about sound. Just like geometry and color study, and lighting are based on real principals. It's important, but not the only criteria to judge.

tl;dr  I think that "quality" art can be judged semi-objectively, by how technically good it is. But "good" art is judged by it's effect, subjectively and in the culture which it occurs.

meh i dunno


(71 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Decktonic wrote:
Bit Shifter wrote:

I don't really understand what laws / interests govern logo use on television. You have cases like this, and then you have cases where record labels are obligated to blur out logos that might appear in their music videos and things like that. I guess a music video is considered a "product" in a sense, and a logo's appearance there could arguably suggest endorsement. Although I guess a TV show can be considered a "product" as well, and yet in those cases you have companies aggressively seeking to insinuate themselves there, via product or logo placement. Don't really get it.

Fucking logos. How do they work.

I thought they blurred out the logos *because* they charge a lot of money for endorsements and they don't want to give them away for free. Not a copyright issue, but a "why give this away for free" issue.

Yeah that's what I've heard. It would be free advertising, so they don't like that.

that is the f^&Kin jam


(71 replies, posted in General Discussion)

cak wrote:

Whoa whoa, don't get me wrong here guys...I'm not some suehappy dork. I just think it's at least worth a bit of research, if nothing else. Intellectual property theft is a real thing...I give my chiptunes away for free just like the rest of you, but if one of them was used without permission on a tv show where cast members are being paid yearly salaries per episode, you bet I would be talking to a lawyer in about 5 seconds.

That would really only make sense if they were profiting from the use of the logo. What damages could be claimed from this? Even if they used a song I'd be damn happy about it.


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

fuck yeah


(13 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Something  that might be of interest if your concerned about tracking on the web is a browser extension called Ghostery. It lets you control which known ad companies can run scripts in your browser. On this page as I type I see Facebook Connect, and Twitter badge. I don't allow either one. Also might want one called Cookie Whitelist that will block cookies unless you allow them for a domain.

Really groovin on Mortimer Twang. Any more dub ('sides ???) artists? Not that I would expect more than two or three total.

ahh this looks dope as hell. no where near it.


(8 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

You are right the sound track sounds sick. Gotta download the disk image for this.


(209 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nordloef wrote:
breakphase wrote:

This would be fantastic.

I would doubt it. No space. Remember that nanoloop is 32 times smaller than lsdj.

Ah fiddlesticks. I can just sync it with lsdj for using samples though.

I've been checking out music here: Yeah I don't know, probably financial trouble.


(209 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

egr wrote:

Now that we have an easy way to update/interface with the cart is there a possibility of adding sample playback?

This would be fantastic.