(104 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:

Nerd Rock glasses, also known as GLASSES.


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

outside of piping -> /dev/dsp which seemed to be quite popular.


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hey all, i'm working on some algorithmic chipmusic and wondered if any of you guys knew of any examples of algorithmic chipmusic out in the wild? just looking for some context.

i'm specifically looking for insight into some of the methods employed/process. if you've written some yourself, it would be interesting to hear about this.


(104 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nintendocore -> Chiptune = Transitioning.


(91 replies, posted in General Discussion)

barbeque wrote:
George wrote:

Another friend told me that all of Detroit was the worst place in the world.

I did see a bum last night on my way home from a drum circle lying on the ground in a gas station with a cast on. we pulled up for gas and all he was yelling "I got e pills and tape!"

we drove on.

Class politics in action.

Decktonic wrote:
firebrandboy wrote:

Reading this thread makes me feel really old. You guys have a lot of disillusionment to go through.

your username is so misleading

Yeah, thought about changing it to nihilistman but I'm not vain like that.

Reading this thread makes me feel really old. You guys have a lot of disillusionment to go through.

I'm a web developer and a student on an AI Masters programme.
(Although, I don't think I'm qualified to answer any more because I barely have a toe in chiptune these days.)


(16 replies, posted in Atari)

akira^8GB wrote:

Pretty sure Maxymiser supports this, though.

This is also correct.


(16 replies, posted in Atari)

akira^8GB wrote:
XyNo wrote:

If you are talking about this one, http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/electronic_cow/scs.htm he already tried it and it's 1 channel only !

It's not one channel, it's a monophonic synth with 3 oscillators (not the same, it's using each ST hardware channel as an osc and the noise, so, 4 channels). It's just not multitimbral, it seems
I actually think, by the description, that it sounds really interesting!! I would totally try it if I had an ST. I think the problem is that it uses the basic squarewave sounds and not more complex, software aided synthesis like the SID-like waves.

I used it some years ago and it didn't seem like a solid piece of software. I had many problems with it.

I wonder what they talked about.


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

ant1 wrote:

i guess you'll be able to find someone who doesn't run it like a BUSINESS but just does a few for themselves to probably do one for you..... i'd hope anyway. if this was AMERICA you could anyway

Yeah, fuck the man.


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

ChipsChallengeBand wrote:
firebrandboy wrote:

The absolute maximum would be £50. For that, I would expect backlighting and prosound. Nothing more, nothing less.

Seems standard pricing from what I've seen 'round the block.  The price of convenience sure ain't cheap but he's not overcharging for the services that you're too lazy to learn yourself.

Too lazy to learn? No, lack of time. I appreciate the economics of it but I'm not sure his perception of his own value of his time is what I would be willing to pay.

Nonfinite's pricing seems more in line with what I'm willing to pay but I imagine that the additional shipping costs would push it closer to what DJ Transformer is charging.


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

CS wrote:
firebrandboy wrote:

Those prices are ridiculous. I wont be paying £70 for a modded Game Boy. I suspect the pricing is, at least in part, a means of reducing the amount of orders he was receiving. There were numerous reports about unfulfilled orders on 8bc a while back. I don't dislike the guy, nor do I want to discredit his ability. Not for me.

That doesn't seem like a lot to you?

What price would you say is a reasonable amount for a modded one?

The absolute maximum would be £50. For that, I would expect backlighting and prosound. Nothing more, nothing less.


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

kineticturtle wrote:
firebrandboy wrote:

That doesn't seem like a lot to you?

It's not. USPS flat rate shipping boxes that gameboys barely fit into cost $17, and the other dollar or two are for packaging.

Okay, then let me clearer about my sentiment. It is a lot of money to pay for shipping if you are someone that is used to British postal service prices. Hence the reason that I would prefer to buy from someone in the United Kingdom.


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

CS wrote:

I'd recommend DJ Transformer. His site's here and is based in the UK:- http://www.djtransformer.com/shop/

From my experience he's a sound person and sends orders quick.

Those prices are ridiculous. I wont be paying £70 for a modded Game Boy. I suspect the pricing is, at least in part, a means of reducing the amount of orders he was receiving. There were numerous reports about unfulfilled orders on 8bc a while back. I don't dislike the guy, nor do I want to discredit his ability. Not for me.

justinthursday wrote:

Shipping is only $18 to the UK.

That doesn't seem like a lot to you?