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Search options (Page 23 of 40) / Forums / Posts by Aeros
Topics by Aeros
Posts found: 353-368 of 633
Heosphoros wrote:To the mass media/populace, chipmusic is a novelty. For them it's the mathematical:
song I know from radio play + nostalgic bleeps and bloops = lol funny
A one listen through for jokes, a share on facebook and then a quick decay inside their minds. We shouldn't be marketing to those people at all. The fans we already have do listen to us and they do it for all the right reasons.
ohhh shit here comes the awesome
Noise Channel wrote:Also, a Nugget yiff toy is an amazing idea. *writes it down*
i'd use piggytracker (i seriously want to say lgpt but that's almost suggestive) if i actually had a system to use it on where i couldn't just use something more effective instead (if there was a piggytracker port for iOS that'd be pretty nice).
The Sky Is Black Not Blue wrote:It depends a lot on how popular you are.

Noise Channel wrote:There will be a Nugget related prize going to the winner. It's not a photo, but that was actually a really close guess.
is it Nugget's yiff-toy
$10 yearly if i'm lucky
oh god why can't i pay for anything anymore
Auxcide wrote:I dun't c mai name. 
One day I'll be popular too, you just wait, Mister! 
one more release like that last one should do the trick
ChipsChallengeBand wrote:10/10 would read again
I enjoyed the genuine annoyance expressed by Heospheroesseses
i've listened to this about 50 times now. no joke. i also put Ellipse in a test build of my space shooter and people are practically flooding me asking who made the music, haha. you seriously outdid yourself with this one.
PlainFlavored wrote:oh look another dumb thread on
xX 8 BIT CHAMPION Xx is here. what do you expect.
shit, nice. where are you getting all this equipment from jesus
herr_prof wrote:Or at least a feed for your bookmarked user list.
chip music heart bits is working on that, actually.
Lazerbeat wrote:Condom- live
ohhhh fuck how could i forget about condom! that was by far 2012's best imo!
knife city's debut EP was nice. some other good ones are Auxcide's Of Atoms and Stardust, Cooshinator's Buttpoop EP, chip4cancer, Frostbyte's 2012 EP, and obviously chip=win
Posts found: 353-368 of 633 / Forums / Posts by Aeros