(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Try 0.4.2 and see if the bug is still there first, before you report. It may have been fixed already (0.4.1 had many problems).


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

If what Famitracker is doing is different than the exported NSF, this is a bug. You should create an example FTM demonstrating this and upload it at the Famitracker forums.

This kind of thing is one of the reasons I wrote the text export for the latest version of Famitracker. It should make it easier to write simple tools to convert Famitracker music data into some other format (e.g. FTM to DFM).


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I program stuff, video game related, mostly computer graphics.

Scales and keys aren't the same thing, and there's no natural need for a chord progression to fit a particular known scale. For the most part, scales are things that result from common harmonic/melodic practices. At least, how they came to be. Obviously you can construct any scale you want and play with it to see what kind of sounds it makes, but there's no need to pick a particular scale, a-priori.

This kind of progression would usually imply that the C major is the tonic key, I think, but it could be otherwise due to emphasis. Someone mentioned Freebird, and that's a good thing to look at for comparison, though Freebird would actually start with G minor rather than major. Blues playing often makes a lot of expression out of bending/stepping chromatically from the B-flat to natural anyway, so sometimes whether it's G minor or major mighty be a little bit moot. The Freebird solo, in this key, is strongly centred around the pentatonic notes G B-flat C D F, with a bit of A and E in there, and sometimes B-flat becomes B as I was saying.

There's other things you could do with this progression completely unrelated to blues. Also, don't be afraid to stick  one half of a chord progression in a completely different scale than the other half. You can get a lot of mileage out of trying to stay in a diatonic scale that contains all the notes in the current chord, and changing to other diatonic scales as minimally as needed to contain the chord as you go along.

If you've got FamiTracker data to begin with, I don't know why you'd bother trying to convert to VegaPlay, since FamiTracker is also completely open-source.

For example, I made a ROM containing a modified version of the Famitracker driver for MOON8, which combined 10 different FamiTracker files into a single .NES with a built in menu and some mildly animated playback. It is open source: http://rainwarrior.ca/music/moon8.html

If you're looking for an automated tool for combining stuff, this isn't it, but it is an example of one way it can be done by starting with FamiTracker's source code.

Make really good music.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

No the animation is not a NES program. There are too many colours for that.

Edit: I could make an NES ROM that animates to it, I do that kind of thing sometimes, but I didn't consider it worthwhile for this project at this point in time (esp. since the use of expansions on half the tracks makes it impossible to play those tracks on a regular NES). Also I didn't know how to program the NES when I first released Classic Chips-- I made my first NES ROM in January 2012.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

I think Mozart was cool, but there's nothing of his that is a big favourite of mine. There are some amazing moments in his work, like the opening to String Quartet 19, but I dunno, he never made it to my top 5, y'know?


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

I decomposed them.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

Yes, every composer used in Classic Chips is long dead.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)


Classic Chips is an album I did in late 2011. It's a selection of classical music I like arranged for NES and Famicom expansions. I forgot to post about it here when I did it. It's free to listen on YouTube.

Claude Debussy - Passepied

noisewaves wrote:

making a seamless nsf "playlist" for live shows played off the NES.

What do you use to play NSFs on your NES?

If it's the PowerPak, it has no automated way to continue to the next NSF track. Whether you skip back to the menu to select the next NSF or skip to the next track you still have to interact with the NES, and it's really just 3 button presses vs 1 if you've got your tracks lined up in a folder.

The reason zzo38's tool doesn't support all the expansions is because he has to use the FDS expansion memory as a hack to override the bank-switching code. This wasn't a matter of needing more time to work out the problem, this is a fundamental conflict in the hardware. Enabling FDS makes memory areas writable that normally aren't, which actually end up corrupting the NSF code/data in most NSF players. NSFPlay is an exception, as it guards against this problem in the case of multi-expansion including FDS. However, in order to get this to work on the PowerPak you would have to rewrite its NSF mapper (which has not been open-sourced, by the way, so you'd be starting from scratch).

Though, you can try it with other expansions anyway, and see if you get lucky (maybe the corrupted bytes won't end up screwing up your song). Does the tool actually prevent you from using them, or is there just a warning against other expansions? If it does prevent you, it'd be very simple to hex edit the NSF to fool the tool.

I don't think many people are really interested in this. What use do you have for combining NSFs into bigger NSFs? Why not just make a winamp playlist for NSFPlay or something?

Here's the complete soundtrack recorded from my Famicom:

http://rainwarrior.ca/projects/nes/lagr … nt_ref.zip


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I wasn't happy with the existing tools, so I wrote my own music tool for Mario Paint:
