always exciting to find a new GB synth, thanks!!
18 May 20, 2022 8:22 am
Re: Droneboy - new GB Drone Synth (22 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
excited to try the new version soon
19 Jan 25, 2022 10:38 pm
Re: Complete Gameboy Trackers, Sequencers, Synths list . . . (94 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
found a super simple GBC piano thing made using GB studio:
Known Issues:
There aren't enough Gameboy buttons to add the black keys.
EDIT: OK this sounds horrible, especially if you hold down multiple keys at once. Definitely using it on my next dungeon synth album
Another similar thing:
EDIT: this one is barely playable, you click on the keys with a D-pad cursor
20 Jan 4, 2022 1:02 am
Re: Complete Gameboy Trackers, Sequencers, Synths list . . . (94 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
GB Studio now has a (tracker and piano roll) music editor!!
21 Jan 4, 2022 1:02 am
Re: Complete Gameboy Trackers, Sequencers, Synths list . . . (94 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
GB Studio now has a (tracker and piano roll) music editor!!
22 Jan 4, 2022 1:00 am
Re: Droneboy - new GB Drone Synth (22 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Finally got round to trying the new version, it's a great improvement! the macro markers are a good idea, all sorts of interesting possibilities. + the wave channel and noise stuff a great addition
My only criticism would be that changing the slider values sounds a bit steppy/clicky but I guess that's limitations of the GB hardware? + I'd still love the option to hold down controls rather than repeatedly pressing the dpad
anyway great ROM which I'll definitely be using for future recordings from my dungeon drone doom project
23 Dec 15, 2021 7:29 pm
Re: Anyone still here in 2021? (76 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Still here occasionally
24 Jul 18, 2021 5:58 pm
Re: Uxn - Virtual Computer (with DS version) (4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I got it working but not really managed to do much yet. Some of the music roms don't work properly in that the screen is cropped. Need to have a proper play soon. Been meaning to learn Orca anyway as I can use it on Norns too
25 Jul 14, 2021 9:59 pm
Topic: Uxn - Virtual Computer (with DS version) (4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Uxn is a portable 8-bit virtual computer which can run on all manner of portable/small/obsolete devices including Nintendo DS! I discovered it from this thread on Lines which has lots of info and links. Haven't got properly into it yet but looks promising and there are a few music roms for it already:
Here's the DS version, in the above thread there's instructions on how to get it working (long story short you need to rename the rom 'boot rom' for the DS version), I wouldn't have figure it out myself
EDIT: just managed to figure out how to download a bunch of the roms without having to compile them or whatever
26 Jun 18, 2021 4:28 pm
Re: Droneboy - new GB Drone Synth (22 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Had a play with it, fun stuff. Would be better if you could hold down the controls to gradually change parameters, rather than pressing it loads of times. But always happy to see any new GB sound rom
27 Jun 16, 2021 7:42 pm
Re: Droneboy - new GB Drone Synth (22 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
This is great! thanks for sharing
28 May 24, 2021 9:19 am
Re: Nintendo ds rom : launchpad, pseudo synth, tracker - my ugly ZhootPad (2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Looking forward to trying this, thanks!!
29 May 6, 2021 1:03 pm
Re: Pixel Art Tools and Related (130 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
[ ACTUALIZACIÓN | UPDATE ] have been adding stuff from time to time, just forgot to share it here.
Let me know if anything is missing.
The entire page is now missing
30 Apr 30, 2021 8:39 pm
Re: ACDLAB - New DMG software on the block (3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
It's fun
31 Apr 17, 2021 6:24 pm
Re: Divboy step sequencer (GBA) (3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Nope it's just someone's never-really started project. There's a logo screen and the code has empty placeholders for the actual sequencer/sound parts
32 Apr 16, 2021 3:50 pm
Re: Divboy step sequencer (GBA) (3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
OK I asked on the GBAdev discord and someone compiled aaaand... it's just a splash screen.