(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(59 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you were impressed by the nanoloop two look and were interested what's inside you will probably like these xray photos that I took of it Enjoy


(22 replies, posted in Releases)

Been waiting for sooo long for this wink

it looks that it works on the gbc


(25 replies, posted in Releases)

please add an option to choose the sid address or just add the de00 address


(438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Sorry for not being clear about it.

I think that it actually does not work at all. Also upon testing it a little more I have noticed that pushing F7 does not mute the sound aswell.


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I know that we had ISMPOF but I'm not sure if he is active anymore.

There is also Sanczo Zapiekanka and Aceman

If you know more Polish chiptune artist please share wink

It would be so awesome to get a proper chiptune party in Poland.

I actually think that if we would be able to find some real chiptune artists in Poland I would be able to book us a show in Gdansk.


(438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

OMG, I've been waiting for this since I got my C64! Big thanks!

I noticed that I can't register on the wiki - the password doesn't come by email.

Could you please turn off the crazy colors while using the keyboard mode or just make the color scheme go back to default while exiting the sidtab?

EDIT: found out, that channel muting on sid2 doesn't work so great


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hey, unfortunetly the chip scene in Poland is at a very low level (not couting the demoscene) There is a demo party coming up in september called riverwash. Also you just missed pixelheaven in Warsaw but again there was not very much to do for a chipmusic fan.

I think that last years silly venture where Ultrasyd was playing, was the biggest chipmusic event for quite some time in Poland.


(21 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Hey, if anyone is interested I finished the 3sid board. The bare pcb costs 9eur and the shipping is 6 eur. Send me a PM.

PS: Here are the source files https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24027026/3sid.zip - so anyone can make one themselves.


(438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

thx ilkke for the info! df00 address is also ok for me. I still cant make the 2sid working though (20140113 looks like it has support for it), I push ctrl+<-, enter some notes and table row numbers, but cant hear anything ;/

the ctrl+/ keyboard mode is cool aswell


(438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Great, now it works like a charm (cool look btw wink) THANKS!


(438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

unfortunetly the second question doesnt appear. It's just a question if you're sure and then put the name.
PS: the timestamp is from january


(438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

That is great news. Can't wait wink

PS: Are you sure you have uploaded the right version? Cause I can't really see the option to "save as executable".
PS2: What are the diffrences between the dx and standard versions?


(438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

oh man! That was fast. It's funny that I tried to make an executable prg myself yesterday using ca65 and was planning to try again today but using dasm or turbo assembler, but I guess I don't have to anymore. Thanks very much will test it ASAP wink

PS: About the 2sid version. Is it possible to select an address for the second sid? If not, then what address is it? Also if it's not de00 could you please release an alternative version with this address? I'm asking because a lot of us are using sid2sid. Pretty please ;p


(438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Thanks for the info. Unfortunetly I'm still a n00b when it comes to the c64 but I guess that it gets me closer to my goal ;p

frantic wrote:

If this is a feature that many people would like, I guess I could consider adding direct export to a self-executable file from within defmon, and perhaps to playsid format as well. Both of these are of course reasonable features to have in an editor like this. Didn't quite get what you are primarily after.. sidplay file, or self-executable file? ...or perhaps both?

If you plan to release a new version of defmon to the public it would be a killer feature to add. I'm mainly after executable prgs but both would be even better wink

Also the 2sid support ;p