(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sorry to hear...
i got my ebay filters looking for the midibox sid for ya.


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

all the good clubs have closed.
i miss millvale industrial theater, club laga, the upstage, the white eagle...


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

neilbaldwin wrote:

What's a caanoo?

http://www.gp32x.com/board/index.php?/t … h-console/

hahaha! my interests are travel and cooking...


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i wish i still lived in the city. im 45 mins away now...

but yer welcome to join us on the destroy/make front...

my friend rob does the art for that site.
he sent me this a while ago...

i lol'ed for ages.

dude is a prolific artist.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i really enjoyed that first song ;D

i actually collect those cases. i have bought dmg's on ebay just for the case.
they are awesome. with a little alcohol and elbow grease, yew can remove those
stickers on the back side and have a 100% transparent case.


(72 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

sounds kewl to me...

an-cat-max wrote:

yes yes yes yes yes. do a drum and bassline machine.

focusing on drum and bass sounds would be clutch...
neil, we all need some NES doom bass ;D


(22 replies, posted in Atari)

InactiveX wrote:

Kaboom! With the wheel controller.

Absolutely frantic and great, great fun.

yeah, i have the kaboom cart, i need to get a wheel controller now ;D


(49 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

the intro sounds remind me of super metroid so much...


(22 replies, posted in Atari)

thanx for the suggestions!
i was digging through the carts, and i have adventure!
i totally forgot about the little pixel carrying a key... CLASSIC!

i googled the games suggested
so here's the to buy list so far:

Synthcart **
Pitfall I + II
Yars' Revenge

keep the great suggestions coming ;D


(22 replies, posted in Atari)

i just got a 2600.
i had one eons ago, but the power level snapped and i couldnt ever fix it.

so my new console is working great.
i have 18 games, some are awesome, others terrible.
(i remember that's how the dawn of gaming was)

the nine best titles i have (in no order):

Keystone Kapers
Space Invaders
Air-Sea Battle
Haunted House

there's an awesome used video game store at the flea market
in my town. the guy has stacks of games, but im not sure what to get.

can i have your suggestions for "must have" 2600 titles?

thanx ;D

tracker and fielder

they all still say $1 for me...
i honestly just need to buy the datarunner vinyl...

sorry the "free download" links work fine.
but clicking the "download" link that appears
by the track list still wants $1.

thanx for the goods!

i love "one button games".
touch screens seem to execute them perfectly.

great work to all involved!