*high five!*

this is really exciting...


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Reteris wrote:

It's possible in Nanoloop 1.5

the 5th voice is such a cool hack

jefftheworld wrote:

I emailed Oliver Wittchow inquiring about the cable and whether schematics are available, so I'll see what he says.

did yew ever hear back from him?
or try and post this inquiry on the NL forums?

a simple answer might save a lot of time + effort.

sweet! the cover art is epic as well!

asians on speed... lulz...

also, i heart it when the guy tries to bite the dudes neck.
it's actually in the video twice!


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

ceafin wrote:

So no one else is having problems getting the site to pull up?
I haven't been able to see it since the troubles back in February.

i have been unable to access it for a while now as well.

great work (as usual)

my wife just got a fight club tattoo last week.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

thanx for this nitro!
it's a very concise archive.

only suggestion:
what about a "download the entire archive" zip option?

as far as i know this is still vaporware.

i would guess it's just a standard 1/8" cable, and a piece of software to decode/encode
whatever is coming out of the gameboy. but since i havnt seen any for sale, or even in use,
i cant say for sure... i would post on the NL forums and it a direct answer from oliver.

and as a note. (it's in the manual)
since NL uses a non-standard memory setup, normal GB backup devices will not work,
and actually might mess your cart up (during the checking phase). so dont try and
backup NL w/ a mega memory cart.


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

i heart the cover art so much!
the pixelated dmg circuit board looks awesome!

bone thief is a monster track! great release.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

according to the domain registration info,
the domain is owned and operated by:

whois wrote:

Steven Cannefax
lowresatx {[a]} gmail.com

maybe emailing him directly would work out better.


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

tacticalbread wrote:

hella old post lol.

but fucking awesome choons.

sorry for the necrobump...
but i just found it (after listening to shitbirds newer "shit")


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

looks like it's "coming soon".

captain obvious signing off...

nickmaynard wrote:

i would love to be able to do that, but i don't have any pots lying around. my girlfriend's dad has a ton though, maybe i can ask him about it.

yeah, ask him if you can borrow them.
then decide what value you like and get some.

also, ebay has lots of deals search: "potentiometers lot"


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

great work!


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

that's how i initially though of it as well.
since C-4 is the first note (nothing before it)
we have nothing to slide FROM. but putting
it on F-4 the tracker knows to slide into the note
from the previous one ;D

glad i could help.