(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

EmThree wrote:

It's old but i lol'd

im still ready to make a flash pixel art game w/ yew.... big_smile



(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i agree w/ nullsleep.
take yer time and think about it for a while.

is that piece of artwork custom?
i have one tattoo that's a band logo
(my first tattoo -- the black flag bars)
that i got on my 18th birthday. i dont
really regret the ink, but it's easily
my least favorite.

all my other stuff is custom, and it feels
good knowing yew have a unique piece
of art permanently staining your skin.

i say go for it!
but really think about it first.

i worked at a tattoo/piercing shop for years,
so i *HAVE* to throw this one out there...

yew git watcha pay fer...
and good tattoos aint cheap.


(274 replies, posted in General Discussion)


according to the documentation on the website:

The directional plus pad controls the joystick.
The A button is the joystick fire button.
The B button swaps the game's current LCD screen.
L and R control the system select/reset switches.

so it's looking like a no

maybe email the guy?

arfink wrote:

One thought- make one where as it draws it fades the older lines, so what you can constantly have glowing particles whipping around the camera when it's zoomed in. It would look really cool.

good idea, i will experiment with that



(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

akira^8GB wrote:

MORE ascii plz

ok here ya go.

my stuff......

http://xero.owns.us/ random title breaks

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http://xero.nu/ metroid style ascii

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some random X

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this one is not mine, but sick!

magneto - by remorse.org

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we just bought a bunch of them at work.
our hardware guy said he got a killer deal
on  newegg.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

sega genesis v1 powers adapters work on EVERYTHING dont they?

i like short songs....

thanx herr prof.
kitsch just got my money!


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

any of the r-type games.
arcade being the best IMHO

so i have an ems32 flash card

and a mega memory card

i have been doing regular backups of LSDj from my ems32 to the megamemory card.

my cart crashed yesterday :'(
im not sure if it's a battery issue or what...

but anyways,
im thinking about getting a new USB 64mb flash cart.

if i have the same version of LSDj on a new cart
do you think i will be able to restore my old saves
on a new cart?



(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

µB wrote:

... and Chrome's Java engine.

isnt it amazing?

the canvas object is full of win!
my pal mrdoob did this sweet depth of field
and i cant believe this guy ported another world to javascript!


not the best audio, but this is my favorite song...