I love this thread!
I get "real music" (even at a hacker convention, which I did not expect) all the time and being called a DJ, I've been introduced by the wrong name, I've been told to "shut up and put on some _______" My own girlfriend insults the music I make, my family don't understand it, nor do my friends. that's why I lurk here, seeing so many posts of such good music makes me feel validated, even if I haven't posted a link to a damn thing I'm working on.
I've gotten the occasional "cool" and that's enough positive feedback. I'm from Alabama and make music in Nashville so cue up the blues brother's quote about both kinds of music. There's not a lot of validation here for widely popular forms of electronic music...almost none for something this niche.
I do think it's odd not understanding how this stuff gets lumped into techno, given that that's the average person's perspective of anything made with synthetic instruments or instruments attached to a screen. 'Mario at a Rave" isn't an insult. Raves are FUN as is Mario, to you music is a soul crushing search for self expression for them it's a laugh on the weekend. I think the "unce" comments by those in the scene are way more insulting. But, I love techno, electro, breaks and house in all it's forms so maybe I'm biased.
sorry for the life story.