(66 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

In the context of using the E command I was thinking along the lines of creating an echoing effect.

EDIT: So I just realized that this wouldn't matter if the envelope is going to fade out anyways. /i'mdumb


(66 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

danimal cannon wrote:
defiantsystems wrote:

Unless your previous phrase ends with a command.

In 99% of cases you won't have a command that would be audible since you're killing it 1/16 (or 32nd) note later--- or an effect couldn't be made by making a new instrument

Unless it's an E command. Haha! I'm sorry I don't mean to pick this apart. Jus' sayin'.

I've never thought of putting a K command at the end with tick delay. Makes me wish I could be at the Masterclass.


(66 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

danimal cannon wrote:

There's little need for starting a phrase starting with a K when you can just K07 on the last note of a phrase you want to end big_smile.  That is assuming you're using groove 6/6.

Unless your previous phrase ends with a command.


(66 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

roboctopus wrote:

Yep.  7F with FE phrases, with K command at the top.  Always and forever.

Yep. 7E for blanks.


(29 replies, posted in Releases)

Good lawd! Your shortest song is 7:30 long! This is more like an LP not an EP.

Sounds good so far though.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Just release stuff for free.

That one looks a bit haggard. This is the one I have. It's not great to play in the case but it's nice for portability. It does fit very snug in there so pulling it out is kind of a pain. I'm trying to stretch this one out right now so I can easily put a Gameboy in and out of it. The front holds about 4 games (2 on each side), you could jam 3 on each side but I wouldn't recommend it. It has holes for where needed for contrast/volume control, link cable, etc. but they don't always match up exactly. It also has a velcro strap on the back so you can clip it to your belt, right next to your cell phone.

Delek heart. F'reals.

AndrewKilpatrick and SgtCrispy, get on Skulltag, bros!

EDIT: If there's a Quake online community I'd hop on that for sure.


(676 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Aeros wrote:

i ... make horrible music because i have no skill and little experience. big_smile

That trance track you made was one of my favorite songs I've ever heard out of LSDJ. No joke.


(33 replies, posted in Sega)

My favorite game on the entire Genesis console.

SKGB wrote:

I'll never understand why electronic musicians who mostly program their music attempt to act like something they're obviously not. I'd much rather see a piece of performance art or dancers while listening to the tune ya wrote; don't need to see you physically reproduce it live to have a good fucking time.

I don't give a fuck how good you can "play" a song, as long as you can write rad fucking tunes

It was the 90's. Grunge kids were still trying to get the sound of bad 80's synth out of their heads.


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have two responses to this video.

1. "Cybergoths would be cool if they weren't so incredibly lame."

2. "In the future Pong will be outlawed, unfortunately Hot Topic will not."

I always thought Cybergoth was an Asian thing.

Is this going to turn into a "hey look at these people, they're different!" thread?


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I didn't do any mastering on mine. /shrug


(101 replies, posted in General Discussion)