(43 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Thanks. But I'm still a bit confused as to how to do a live show and mix things live.

And how would I do video out?

Why do all of our French brothers use Nanoloop?

And why are they so damn good at it?


LA? Not this again...


(43 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I'm an idiot who can't really figure out how  to use this stuff. I've loaded in images but right now when I run it, it just looks like a slideshow. No effects seem to  be working and I'm not sure how to actually use it for live visuals.

Also, how would  one sync it to the windows version of lgpt?

---Mr. Technologically inept.

This is what happened last time I went to a Nullsleep show:



That sculpture of two guys wrestling reminds you that you have to open for cTrix?



Look at how cool Alex looks!

As far as i can tell, this is what Akira just said:

Atque ea diuersa penitus dum parte geruntur,
Irim de caelo misit Saturnia Iuno
audacem ad Turnum. luco tum forte parentis
Pilumni Turnus sacrata ualle sedebat.
ad quem sic roseo Thaumantias ore locuta est:               5
'Turne, quod optanti diuum promittere nemo
auderet, uoluenda dies en attulit ultro.
Aeneas urbe et sociis et classe relicta
sceptra Palatini sedemque petit Euandri.
nec satis: extremas Corythi penetrauit ad urbes               10
Lydorumque manum, collectos armat agrestis.
quid dubitas? nunc tempus equos, nunc poscere currus.
rumpe moras omnis et turbata arripe castra.'
dixit, et in caelum paribus se sustulit alis
ingentemque fuga secuit sub nubibus arcum.               15
agnouit iuuenis duplicisque ad sidera palmas
sustulit ac tali fugientem est uoce secutus:
'Iri, decus caeli, quis te mihi nubibus actam
detulit in terras? unde haec tam clara repente
tempestas? medium uideo discedere caelum               20
palantisque polo stellas. sequor omina tanta,
quisquis in arma uocas.' et sic effatus ad undam
processit summoque hausit de gurgite lymphas
multa deos orans, onerauitque aethera uotis.

You computer guys confuse and impress me.

cTrix wrote:

some tracks I'll be working on with Sabrepulse.  Which might end up as a release if we get it done.

This just in: doors are actually at 10 PM, first act at 10:30. Then we party non-stop until 4AM when the club shuts down.


Wait, can people dressed as winged demi-gods count as furries? Or humans which have been turned into animals by the gods?

Ancient Greek Furry Style