chip is way in the background but yeah here ya go, circa 2005
402 Mar 18, 2013 5:05 am
Re: Is this an okay DI box? (17 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
when you play somewhere, 9 times outta 10 they're gonna supply you with a di box. jussayin
404 Mar 5, 2013 10:25 pm
Re: user ignore function. (51 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
here's the thing: forums should totally have ignore functions
405 Mar 1, 2013 8:34 am
Re: Ripped off by (25 replies, posted in General Discussion)
its only been a few weeks so far and honestly any other seller you would be jumping the gun, but every so often there seems to be a person coming around saying they're worried about the transaction, and we usually say the same, which is to avoid doing business with this guy and deal with one of the other people who can help you out. if i were you and you dont want to give him the benefit of the doubt, dispute your payment however you have to go about it, look around on the forums here and link them in your appeal to the threads that discuss his bad business practices, maybe also look on google in general.
406 Mar 1, 2013 5:58 am
Re: Tattoos? (127 replies, posted in General Discussion)
yea thats what i was thinkin, his apartment looks way different. i think it musta been then though. he's got this huge morrisey poster along the wall where the bathroom was, it looks cool in that spot but of course its weird havin morrisey that big overlooking the living room, aah. was that there when you were there? it not i guess it coulda been a bitgen.
407 Mar 1, 2013 5:47 am
Re: Tattoos? (127 replies, posted in General Discussion)
its a funny pic! you remember where it was taken?
408 Mar 1, 2013 5:45 am
Re: Cloth Boys and Lint Rollers (12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
can you put a link for more information to these clothboys? im...interested to hear more
409 Mar 1, 2013 5:43 am
Re: Tattoos? (127 replies, posted in General Discussion)
410 Mar 1, 2013 2:19 am
Re: user ignore function. (51 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
this is another thing that happens here quite a ton. and im not even trying to call peter out or anything like that, and its not liek it fully grinds my shit or anything. sometimes i dont read the board for weeks or months at a time if i really get that sick of it. but honestly.. theres far too much unfitting metaphors/analogies on site here to try and keep discussion realistic sometimes, and if people's first inclinations are to make up situations that are totally inapplicable, how is that reasonable discussion? seems like you can find this sentiment in more threads than not here and maybe nearly as much snarky or outright bad 'tudes toward our peers, whether its conscious or not. i understand people have bad days and ive had my share. but seriously, nobodys talking about bars or shows or any kind of irl social caste anything in comparison to why an ignore function here would be useful. more often than not a lot of conversations here devolve to this point rather quickly.
this is the internet. and more specifically, this is a bug/request subforum, and im asking about whether or not we can hope to see a feature like this, and also to inquire if someone might still have this script. and honestly i didnt make this thread to call anybody out or bitch or complain or anything, and im certainly not pissed off at anybody or dying to ignore anybody in specifics posts, or anything along those lines. i also searched this subforum back about 4 pages and didnt see any other threads about it. i am suggesting it because to me, it seems like overall the quality of discussion here has dwindled a bit and maybe that could help.
411 Mar 1, 2013 1:11 am
Re: user ignore function. (51 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
no, that wastoy. but by all means if you want to turn it into a verbal pissing match when its a valid concern and i already explored that avenue, by all means, make yourselves look more foolish
412 Feb 28, 2013 11:52 pm
Re: user ignore function. (51 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
no, its not meant to be antagonistic. but for all the back and forth on this site sometimes, it would be highly useful to have something like this that wasnt a plugin or a deshitter script, most sites have user ignore functions.
and since you want to accuse me of being antagonizing, dickneck, it certainly could have taken you less than a minute to click on the dropbox link and see that it's 404'd. but by all means, continue pointing the finger like most people here do. remember that when you do this, you have at three fingers pointing back at you.
413 Feb 28, 2013 11:08 am
Re: chipmusic synonymous with low quality? (100 replies, posted in General Discussion)
who even cares about quality, its a gameboy GOD, yolo
414 Feb 28, 2013 11:06 am
Topic: user ignore function. (51 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
please, please. im surprised there isnt one. even if someone has/can write some sort of deshitter firefox stuff to make it so you dont have to see posts from people you find ridiculous, that would be great.
415 Feb 28, 2013 10:59 am
Re: How is your local chiptune community? (430 replies, posted in General Discussion)
hey guys, just because people dont come forth and make themselves known about what they do, doesnt mean that people dont exist in your area that dont make the same kind of music. i've always considered this mindset super myopic. like everybody who makes music has to be performing shows, releasing it, putting out albums or eps or whatever to exist on your radar locally? what the hell's that about?
its also highly presumptuous to say 'yea nobody else is here', as if you arent more than a blip on anybody's radar as well. chipmusicians need to try actual experimentation and actively and aggressively set up shows with actual bands and electronic acts that arent just a bunch of people like yourselves making music with a gameboy or whatever if you want to be discovered, be it by people who will enjoy and appreciate your music, or people who are making music in your area. the single track opinions in this thread are harrowing.
what does it do to say 'yep nobody else around' and just assume thats the way it is? too much assuming in this community and the opinions in this thread are elementary. straight up, anybody who is going to say anylike like 'it used to be awesome and now its not', well you are clearly doing the opposite of trying to fortify and bring it back by posting about how shitty its become, arent you? the shit in this thread makes me sick.
416 Feb 28, 2013 4:03 am
Re: i'm from damonidax :: (21 replies, posted in Releases)
bring em back - LOOP POINT JUNGLE
volumecolume - DIRE DIRE DUCKS
at least im not a capitalist - RED MAGIC ORCHESTRA
don't get sucked into a debate with a white guy - thinking mans conscience
ceremonial sword - free range melodies
gratuity dog - better than idm
fossil apostle - THATS YOUR CHANCE
avenged seven foals - love this ending
so there ya go. of course this release isnt gonna be for everybody but i encourage you to check these songs out and all the tunes over there at!