i think it learned me
434 Jan 17, 2013 8:14 pm
Re: where do you want your songs to end up (62 replies, posted in General Discussion)
a kit kat or twix commercial
435 Jan 15, 2013 8:13 am
Re: So I wrote this email to Bandcamp. (27 replies, posted in General Discussion)
they might take a cut of sales, but i cant imagine the streaming being exactly cheap with the way they had to get it going over time. bandcamp was lucky to build the way that they did, it started off small, but as it grew, they were able to add bandwidth without it ever experiencing outages or anything like that. tip of the cap to them for that. i would think that took a bit of administrative savvy to do it without having people get tired of the service or deal with a bad experience and write it off. bandcamp just sorta makes sense as a necessity after sites like mp3.com and/or soundcloud. their customer service of course is also very good for as widespread as it is.
436 Jan 12, 2013 7:54 pm
Re: What's the best way of catching up on a year's worth of chiptune (17 replies, posted in General Discussion)
you can still lurk irc, you're not expected to speak. i feel like irc is a good place to pick up on stuff because its where people are usually talking about things they're currently listening to, a lot of the time you get a good idea of either the really good stuff, or the stuff that slips through the cracks thats unforgettable. without irc, i dont know if i would have found half the stuff i did, and just the same i dont know if i would be able to share as much stuff either.
437 Jan 12, 2013 9:49 am
Re: What's the best way of catching up on a year's worth of chiptune (17 replies, posted in General Discussion)
last i heard from him, he had some computer probs, and then he was gone. maybe real life took over with that and he decided it would be too much of a pain.
438 Jan 12, 2013 7:04 am
Re: What's the best way of catching up on a year's worth of chiptune (17 replies, posted in General Discussion)
megabeep guy just totally vanished into thin air, never to be heard from by anybody again. i had high hopes for what he had in mind but who knows. best way to hear about most of the best chiptune releases is to hit up some of the various irc channels on espernet, #mod_shrine #areciboradio #botb #chipmusic etc.
439 Jan 7, 2013 8:53 am
Re: favorite SID/Amiga tracks? (19 replies, posted in General Discussion)
http://tempsoundsolutions.arnoldascher. azazam.sid one of my favs
440 Jan 7, 2013 7:35 am
Re: Best Chiptune+Rock Bands (56 replies, posted in General Discussion)
love you guys. gotta give props to heads like gwem, joey mariano, peter swimm, and bud melvin for bringing stringed instruments into chipmusic too in the early 00's. theres so many more, but those guys were really inspiring to me to see their progression.
441 Jan 3, 2013 12:36 am
Re: alex mauer - blast I-II (7 replies, posted in Releases)
i've been tellin him for a while to do blast 3, lets hope it happens. a logear 2 would be great too.
442 Jan 2, 2013 11:37 pm
Re: Plans/Goals For 2013 (65 replies, posted in General Discussion)
-no hate whatsoever toward other artists
443 Jan 2, 2013 11:23 pm
Topic: alex mauer - blast I-II (7 replies, posted in Releases)
In 1991, an imaginary videogame soundtrack was recorded by then 8 year old Alex Mauer and his father. A decade and a half later, the work was revised and released as "Blast" the album. "Blast" and the more obscure "Blast 2" come together in this 2 part collection of 16-bit style FM VGM.
and hey, if you dig this, i did two albums of remixes of alex mauer tunes, entitled 'blast portable'. they're not exclusively songs from blast, but if youve never heard em and you're a fan of alex, check em out.
thanks for listening.
444 Jan 2, 2013 11:13 pm
Re: Best Chiptune+Rock Bands (56 replies, posted in General Discussion)
temp sound solutions is the best one. heres some of the hits
447 Dec 23, 2012 1:42 am
Re: 2013 - Dare To Not Release Music Year (103 replies, posted in General Discussion)
448 Dec 23, 2012 1:19 am
Re: Ok which CM.o mod is having seasonal depression? (26 replies, posted in General Discussion)
post-footwork syndrome