(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

the vids may not be gone for good! at some point i downloaded them, simply because i didnt know about sites like keepvid, and sam had given me his yt password. so keep your fingers crossed, and i'll take a look around for them. i have very complete archives of shnab stuff, and im pretty sure i saved all the vids. it might be a matter of going through a large number of cdr's/dvd's to find em, but i am pretty certain i have them, somewhere.

hehe, we all should really. maybe if this guy wasnt camping their domains, and trying to put his own generic _bitcollective site into the mix (which looks toy), i wouldnt be quite so quick to make all this known.

heres the monarch notes:

shnab and monobrow have been planning on making a site called snesology for long long times. said jerk registers the domains out from under them because he heard about it. monobrow, shnab & others tell him to relinquish the domain names to them so they can make their site. time passes. 16bc appears. this is their story.

                                                                                  EXECUTIVE PRODUCER
                                                                                            DICK WOLF


sure, it looks toy, but theres bigger reasons to not use it:

In short: It appears that the creator of this 16bit collective project has deliberately attempted to (I can't think of a nicer way to put it) sabotage Shnabubula's Snesology website in order to coincide with the release of this site.

In the interests of good faith and fair play I will at first say that the creators of Snesology welcome any interest or collaborations in original SNES music and similar endeavors, and seeks in no way to compete with or deride any alternate projects such as this one. The reason for this post is because what has occurred is both very real and very consequential to the well-being of the Snesology projects and this budding community.

Here are the events as I understand it.

* William Kage submits a song to Snesology which gets posted.
* It is made known publicly and to him that Snesology is working on launching their website.
* According to the WHOIS dates, roughly a few days later, three domains snesology.org, snesology.net, and snesology.com were purchase by William Kage
* Shortly after, William showed interest in playing an admin/tech role at Snesology, but was turned down as there was no need for additional administration or tech. He does not mention at this time that he already owns the domains.
* A few days later, a purchase for snesology.org was made in an attempt to go live with the site. (This is when I started working on the project) It was then I became aware that the site had been recently purchased. Kage's personal info was on the domain WHOIS so we contacted him about it.
* Kage suggests he would like to handle all the domain-related tasks. After some discussion it was decided that he would turn all three domains over, but maintain control of the domain account itself.
* Because the domain transfer can only be done 60 days after a purchase, this situation set us back on our launch by two months. The date we can finally apply to transfer the domains is roughly right now.
* When I went to finalize the transfer, I noticed the password has been changed and I had no access to the domains anymore. I managed to reset the password and begin the transfer process of one of the domains, but I'm not sure how far along this process is. Basically we have no idea if we will get control of these domains in the end.
* While we wait to find out what will happen, 16 bit collective launches.

Thus I am asserting that Kage has subverted Sam's Snesology project and delayed it (and possibly disabled it) long enough to launch his own. A very troubling, unnecessary, and unprovoked development. As I said before, Snesology welcomes all the interest in the world, wants nothing more than to promote and continue Shnabubula's awesome vision and hard work, and does not feel compelled to compete with or have a rivalry with anyone else. I wish you the best in your new endeavors, but it simply did not have be be done this way.

I want to apologize if this post was a bad idea. I do not plan to respond in this thread or about this topic going forward, but I felt compelled to dispel any rumors, and clear up this confusion, and hopefully get our domains back so we can go live

http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.ph … post882098

in short, fuck this website and fuck william kage. im making this thread not for flaming purposes, but for the purpose of spreading the fact as we know them about the guy who made this site. i have a feeling the site design will be enough to keep people away from it.

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … -fields-ep

his tss release is a tribute to the lives lost in the tragic events of 9/11. there are additional bonus images included in this release that explain why this event was so shocking to tss as an entity and creative unit. stick with this release and you are bound to enjoy. please bless those who lost their lives or gave their own to help others, and never forget them.

'whether something is used for good or evil depends on human minds. '
-sakura, urusei yatsura, beautiful dreamer

1.american killing fields 03:24
2.substance d 01:50
3.im the comedian 3 03:02
4.caught on tape 00:43
5.im trying to piss you off 01:57
6.temp3 mix2 02:16
7.wax 02:31
8.phalanx 04:46

yeah..heavy shit..this release is abrasive as well as beautiful in spots, hang in there for the pretty bits. more to come. remember, fuck chiptunes


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

because fuck you and close this shitty thread


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

100% drug related


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … ux-unit-ep

1. aux unit 03:04
2. dave schwimmer 04:59
3. abraham zapruder 02:59
4. temp 0an 01:28
5. vermont tech anime society 02:07
6. krunkystalk (chatmachine rmx) 02:07

so here's 5 chippy/jungly/moogy/drummy tracks and a remix by chatmachine, enjoy!


'There was a lot of drama going on. Jose designed that board, but where did he get that initial code for the first round of his version of the cart? I don’t have any proof that he took the code from them, but, I mean, it was pretty obvious that he had.'

i dont think he was payin attention to the threads on 8bc that detailed all that shit, cuz it was very clear at the time that the code was taken from the polish guys..logan thought they were like german or belgian or something.


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

here's a lil live koalie/logear action for anybody who hasnt seen it yet. tss live @ toomanygames 2012

back to room2/midnight mary/logear 4-2


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

http://www.iimusic.net/catalog/2012/08/ … oalie-dead

"Koalie is Dead" was planned to be the next NES cartridge album in the "Vegavox" series. In 2010, the music was ready but the pixel art inspiration never came. Years passed and some of the songs found their way onto Penny Arcade TV. Now, the full collection of songs is packaged with the originally intended song order.


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … or-shut-up

1. nut up or shut up 04:19
2. sleeping and famous 02:18
3. ass and ass 01:15
4. tamptamptamp 01:48
5. pwn dot wav (c64 mix) 03:29
6. super rebar 03:27
7. the course of matet and semket 04:28
8. acacia 03:43
9. cruntin 04:18
10. temp17 (spamtron rmx) 02:00
11. pwn dot wav (opfor rmx) 05:45

nut up or shut up is a release that kicks up the experimentation a notch, and while maybe the fidelity suffered due to my nomadic lifestyle when making this, i think it makes up for it with the music and weird factor. take a wwe ppv, combine it with some dnb elements and wash it out with chip and this is what i got. hope ya dig, dont sleep on ass & ass at least big_smile


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

http://tempsoundsolutions.bandcamp.com/ … xperienced

1. town cat (slow) 04:10
2. key of solomon 03:57
3. stushboy (h1n1 mix) 03:46
4. 133 (chopped and screwed mix) 03:52

up here is a 4 song offering from tss and cow'p, entitled 'are you bass experienced'. nanoloop & guitar & bass & drums lineup, some effects here and there. 3 tunes from the 'bass experience' album, plus one old favorite in 'town cat (slow)'. its a different version from the one that was on the pause compilation long ago. this was also remastered, so some of these might seem familiar. give em a listen though, the fourth song is a washed out banger! enjoy, more to come this week!

totally totally sick tracks, great to see tooltips out there!

i listen to my music and i can see how my personality has changed over the years. tss has been going for 15 years now, so some songs have gotten reworked and fixed, which i guess for me is a real luxury to be able to do, find worth in a track and fix it so its 'right' or 'updated' or whatever. really i listen to the music and it sounds foreign most times, which is good. but its still that i know that i said it and made it but i can enjoy it most often unless its stuff ive ruined for myself.

there are songs that tss plays that we didnt write, and even sometimes  play them better than they were when they were originally written, which turns into a bonus. if you can make any song 'yours' then you always have something to add as a musician and you have the ability to keep things fresh as can be.