Actually, the UK chipmusic scene was undoubtedly the best in the world at one point. There were regular parties at the Asylum featuring some of the first overseas appearances of legends such as Nullsleep, Bit Shifter, Eat Rabbit, Paza, Divag, Psilodump...I could go on. Lektrolab hosted a party at the ICA which was featured in the Times. Rephlex got involved - AFX came along to watch Bodenstandig 2000, not to mention their release of Maxi German Rave Blast Hits 3 and DJ appearances by Cylob. Malcolm Mclaren noticed and was inspired to release a 7''. Paul B. Davis, part of the team that made one of the most important chipmusic records of all time, moved here (and still lives here I think). Venues like Scala hosted other events.
To be honest, without wanting to encourage separatism, if the UK chipmusic scene stopped modelling itself on New York's, got back to basics, and started again it could be amazing. If Singapore has enough interest to organise a chipmusic festival (which isn't mentioned once on here - go figure!), I'll be damned if the UK scene hasn't.
(On another note, people don't even mention this phase of chipmusic anymore. Which is a shame, because Maxi German Rave Blast Hits 3 is about as good as it gets.)