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Search options (Page 5 of 6) / Forums / Posts by xombiexplox
Topics by xombiexplox
Posts found: 65-80 of 88
roboctopus wrote:Yeah, this thing looks pretty sexy. I bought a Little Phatty to replace a Moog Prodigy that died, but this thing kind of looks more like what I want. A bit more straight-forward. And I like what I've heard of that filter.
Really? I am in no way bashing your opinion, but you'd rather have the one-oscillator, cheap Chinese manufactured Minibrute than a two-oscillator American-made analog synth with that sexy Moog filter?
I guess that price is fantastic though, $500 might have me adding it to my set up as well. I just want to know more of what you think because I'm a Moog-fan myself and I'd love to have a Prodigy next to my Little Phatty.

HolyNegative0 wrote:I listen to other music and goof off until I have absolutely nothing better to do, then I sit down and create multiple horrible Daft Punk covers and then give up until the beginning of the night, when I wake up and find that all of the melodies I ever wished for are now in my head, wait to be transcribed. Then I fall asleep and forget all of them except for one, and then when I go to write it down, I end up turning it some horribly wrong song and submit it here.
Story of my life.
I know that feel, bro
Aren't these based off of Arduino? Try looking on, they've got a great community there.
DKSTR wrote:What do you mean? Live I use it mostly to mute / unmute tracks and do some layering of different tracks to get weird bends etc. (I'm mostly controlling couple synths with it).
On studio I use it to sequence all my tracks. Drums with pads, for melodies I usually hook up a keyboard. Note repeat + swing on that machine are the best things ever.
Wow, my MPC is seriously underutilized. Where did you learn your stuff? Every time I try and sit down with that book I just get so put out by how much information they're throwing at me.
Does anybody have any more examples of how they use their MPCs in a live/studio setup? I have one, but I feel like I'm not being as creative with it as I could be 
Is there any reason why some people choose to use DJ mixers and some don't? Obv. the DJ mixers have the 2-channel limit, but is there any other benefits to having one over the other for live chipmusic?
Je Mappelle wrote:im rly cnfused r u implying tht u r a mixer

Why this over the Moog Minitaur?
Victory Road wrote:i go straight into a DI cause fuck the haters
I love this site and everyone on it.
I ask because I'm currently in the market, and also because I'd like to see pictures!
I need some cover art, and I am sending you a PM!
roboctopus wrote:The 6th installment is up. This one covers changing the length of the synth (to a length of 1, specifically) and touches on Wrap distortion.
Where's the next episode? 4040404040404040404040404040404040404004040404
DataFix wrote:xombiexplox wrote:Sounds fantastic! What kind of setup are you running through here? :3
Thanks man! 
One GBC unmodded with LSDJ, put through a Numark M2 Mixer!
Damn boi! I love the sounds you're getting outta that thing.
firebrandboy wrote:Emacs w/SC


Quick question: how did you get that fancy aluminum-looking faceplate??
Sounds fantastic! What kind of setup are you running through here? :3
Posts found: 65-80 of 88 / Forums / Posts by xombiexplox