Did you try to disable the power saving mode?


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

djhaka wrote:

@Biere Gratuite (and cyberic): Okay, that makes sense! I think I have some idea of how that could be done. Thanks for the resources too!

PyLSDJ is really well written with clean classes and objects.
I think you have to look here:
https://github.com/alexras/pylsdj/blob/ … j/synth.py

You have a WaveFrames class.
This is where you should put the sample data.

Get in touch with alexras through github or by PMing him, he has been helpfuls with me and has accepted some of my pull requests.

If you fork a github repo, tell me so I will monitor it.
And if you need some testers, please tell!


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Biere Gratuite wrote:

Please see lsdjmanager by LSDJ creator:

==> 404

Correct url:

There is also LSMC/PyLSDJ:
https://github.com/alexras/lsmc which could be a good starting point


(48 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Knife Crimes wrote:

It's not *not* normal, but those aren't the default channels. Defaults are PU1 = MIDI channel 1, PU2 = MIDI channel 2, WAV = MIDI channel 3, NOI = MIDI channel 4.

However, the teensyboy firmware loads values for the output channels (and a bunch of other stuff) from EEPROM, so channel 16 etc. must be stored in EEPROM for some reason.

One fix would be to open Arduinoboy1_2_3_teensy.ino and edit:
  boolean alwaysUseDefaultSettings = false;
to read:
  boolean alwaysUseDefaultSettings = true;

Then recompile and upload to the Teensy.

That's assuming the default channels are what you want.

OK Thanks
Can you also confirm that I can force the midi out mode, at the same time, with:

    boolean alwaysUseDefaultSettings = true;

    0x01, //force mode
    0x05, //mode



(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm glad I got people interested in the gamebuino....
It has great potential

Som people added bluetooth support, you can stream samples from the sd card...

Maybe we could continue in another thread...
About tracking, there is no easy way yet.
see here for the demo song we've made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=743uCDRQcWY... not that great but it was our first try
we made it with a tool that is unreleased yet, and it is rather a converter than a tracker...
The sources of this 'demo' are available in the github repo


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:
cyberic wrote:

There is also the gamebuino which has several trackers in progress...

That thing looks so fucking cute. Colour me interested

I got one and I even made some chiptune on it
So if you have questions, go ahead.
(there are other thread about the gamebuino)


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

jefftheworld wrote:

If you have any sort of synth with MIDI, try testing your arduinoboy directly with that to confirm or rule out your PC or software configuration.

OK I'll try it with my monotribe and let you know.


(48 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

In midi out mode, when I send a Nxx from channel 1 (pu1), it goes to channel 16 on my midi interface.
And when I send a Nxx fron channel 4 (NOI), it goes to channel 3... is it normal?


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

jefftheworld wrote:

Shouldn't be any noticeable latency, no.

I will try to measure it...
I simply play a kick on the GB, which also sends a N04 note, which triggers a sample in ableton live
Does ot seem correct to you?


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

herr_prof wrote:

and assign those to tap tempo

what would you have to send to tap tempo?


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I recently tried LSDJ midi out as well, and I seem to get a lot of latency.
I tried a nex arduinoboy, then a teensybox, with two different MIDI interfaces.
There really is a noticeable latency.
Is it expected?



(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

There is also the gamebuino which has several trackers in progress...


(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It didn't crash for me, tried it on a gbc only.
Did anyone test the MIDI implementation?
I wonder if we can trigger the drums... will try soon


(23 replies, posted in Audio Production)



(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

cyberic wrote:

And also, pulsar crashes on my everdrive N8

I used another famicom to NES adapter (krikzz one), and now pulsar is running great on my retroduo!

kitsch, do you think that the corruption problem with the derp and the gb boy is also related to the PCB?