Twilight Electric has some good mellow stuff. "Self Portrait", for example. MC Firedrill has a nice mellow song called "superkeyz". There's also "Cyboshellfish", by Animal Style. Really I'm just picking some random songs in my library via shuffle, so it's not exactly a complete list or anything, but lemme give you some more:
Big Ideas - James Houston
rockrocs - MC Firedrill
Sea of Memories - Rushjet1
day 7 - She
Sjutton - Coova and Bud Melvin
Ruby Cactus - I, cactus
Ter4 - Goto80
1997 - She
Sweetly - Sulumi
Troubled Dreams - Rushjet1
Ichi Ni San Cuatro - Mr. Spastic
That's a pretty widely varied group of songs, but they are all pretty mellow. A low of great songs in there, too. From ambient chill to funk, and some dreamy melodic stuff.