thanks a lot everybody! This has all been all very helpful, I have decided to buy an EMS now and then see how it works! If it turns out that flashing on the mac doesn't work properly I can alsways turn on my windows machine and try from there.
Being limited to just one rom on the Derp is not working for me.

Hmm, so basically the ideal thing would be to get a Derp for LSDJ and an EMS for the rest...
I had LSDJ but ended up selling it (ok I know some people will scream "how could you do that?") because it was one of those non-USB carts that needed a separate programmer.

I have the newer PCB-only Nanoloop cart, which works great!

I would still put LSDJ on the cart as an extra to have when I feel like using it, but for the rest it would be more for other things, smaller ROMs, like mGB or shitwave. Some of them fit on the Nanoloop cart, but the lastest version of mGB is already too big.

I read a lot about the EMS not working on Macs, but that apparently is old news. I guess I'll got that one then instead.

I might be wrong, but I think they are called like that. I think it's because the company making them is called E.M.S.
Quick google search: … ard-64-mb/

This might just be one of the USB-programmer-based types around though...

@OmO: I'm a he smile and yes I'm using a mac, though I have a windows computer too but it's not that practical for me to jump around between computers.

Seems like the Derp is the way to go. Not the cheapest, but it if works well I'm more than happy to spend the money. Also I like to support products from independent developers/makers.

I'm thinking about buying myself a Cart to load some GB software on. Mainly I'm thinking about mGB, Shitwave, LSDJ some games and some other pieces of music software.
I am working mainly on a mac computer and have both a first gen DMG and a newer GBC, but I like the DMG a lot better.
As far as my research goes the Drag 'n Derp seems to be the best cart around. Everdrive seems to have issues with LSDJ and the old EMS carts all need Windows.

So is there anything I need to know about the Derps? Also, is there any other alternative I am not aware of?

edit: since I have solved the USB cart problem, now let me add another question: what's a good backlight for the DMG?

thanks a lot!

Wholesome Family Music wrote:

I love seeing all this Nanoloop stuff on the forum these last few days. Really interesting performance, by the way. I never imagined a bass clarinet sounding so good with 8-bit music and synths. smile

yeah I was surprised too! But I think the raw Game Boy square waves create a really cool timbral dialogue to the reedy bass clarinet, they have some elements in common, but there is a cool contrast between the synthetic lo-fi quality of the DMG and the soft and acoustic tone of the clarinet.

And yeah I love nanoloop. I had actually always snobbed the Game Boy for being a bit of a fashion but I was wrong I admit it! I first started to use Nanoloop on the iPhone, then decided to get the GB version... so to say, the real thing! It's totally fun and has a great interface!

I recently started to use the Game Boy (DMG model) with the latest Nanoloop in our live gigs. We have one piece that is an improvisation for Game Boy and bass clarinet, which I think is quite fun. I program the whole sequence live from scratch on Nanoloop and my mate is playing the clarinet on it. In second half we also add some beats (curtesy of the LXR drum synth) and some loops I record from a bent Casio SK-1.

Here's a video of the last live performance we did:

and just because I have it at hand, a pic from the performance:


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I need a cart too, any news on the derps availability? Still shows up as coming soon...

I'm currently looking for an original DMG Gameboy with the following mods:
- backlight
- pro sound mod

FYI I already have an Arduinoboy, so I don't really need that.
I don't really like painted shells, I prefer plain colour, favourite colour would be black or white. But of course if it looks cool it looks cool smile

I'm also looking for a USB cart (or anything that doesn't need a dedicated device for flashing) to put some software on
Let me know if you have something for me.

I'm in Italy, just in case this information should be relevant.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Man, I'm actually looking for a new GB... but I must admit that, as much as I respect whoever did the modding, it's really not my style. Mine would be more... black I guess.
But hey I'm sure you'll find somebody soon!


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Sorry, had forgotten to update the title of the thread. It's been fixed now.


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Added some new stuff!
MTRX-8 sequencer, YM_MINI synth and iRig

In the end everything turned out for the best (at least for me, I can't say the same for warmcircuit I guess).
Paypal refunded my money and Brian from MTO was really kind and sent me the CDs himself!
So in the end I got my CDs and they are awesome!!!
Big public thank you to Brian Duffy for being so kind and helpful!

If you want the king of all portable multitrack recorders, check out the Zoom H6. Though it's a bit more on the pricey side.
I also have a Yamaha MT4X 4 track tape recorder, which I sometimes use for fun... though it's really big.


(82 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I was really pleasantly surprised by linux lately. Since years now I've only been using a mac to do most of what I need a computer for, but I have an older backup laptop (a Dell XPS m1330) with Win7 and Ubuntu installed on. Just out of curiosity I installed Ubuntu Studio on it and tried some software.

I got my firewire audio interface working in no time (installed the FFDAO stuff from synaptic, that was it), which totally surprised me since everybody always told me it would never work. It probably helped that the Presonus Firebox is class compliant.
Everything in Ubuntu Studio is already set up for audio work. Just launch Jack and you're up and running.
Btw. Jack runs totally fine! The only problem was that for MIDI there's still a big mess between ALSA and JACK-compatible MIDI, and if you run JACK with the firewire mode, you can't access the ALSA MIDI stuff...

The biggest weakness of linux audio is probably the available software. Though Renoise totally kicks ass and works like a charm on my laptop, didn't try Bitwig, but that probably beats the shit out of any other software package, the FLOSS audio offerings are a bit on the week side.
Oh, don't forget about Tracktion, which is free on Linux and seems really nice... though I didn't get MIDI to work, for whatever reasons.