I love live chip events! I have gone to an played a LOT of them as well. I usually run 2xlsdj, a bunch of synths, and vocals.
Now the part where I get uppity
SurfaceDragon wrote:And as a sidenote to sandneil and anyone else reading this. I don't want to send you off the deep end or anything but you might never want to tell anyone "i have often felt urges to harm or kill myself" if you ever want engage in a serious romantic relationship or own a firearm.
You do realize this is incredibly condescending, right? "Oh hey, you know that part of you that drives to the point that you feel you have no other choice but to end your own life? Ignore that or no one will love you"
Everybody has dark feelings, to ignore them is denying yourself the ability to cope with them in productive ways, and if you are in a romantic relationship with someone who cannot handle the bad parts of you GET THE FUCK OUT.
That being said, no hard feelings to you in particular, SurfaceDragon, this is just a massive pet peeve of mine.
(Also, if any more discussion on this is to be had, let's do it in PM, cause this thread could be awesome and it would suck to have a mental wellness derail kill it)