(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I have a similar question as the guy in this thread.. http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/11058 … ut-tables/
I've used lsdj for almost a year and googled around a bit, but I still haven't figured out how to get release out of a wav instrument.
A volume envelope ending with 1 through 7 in either of the pulse channels gives you release, but nothing happens when you try to do the same thing in a table, in the wav channel.
How does one get around this?


(134 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I hate to brk it to you


(97 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

SketchMan3 wrote:

You know, it'd be kind of cool if somebody could mod an audio input jack to a DMG so you could hook your second DMG into it and get the sound of both through the main DMG's headphones jack/speaker.

oooh, this would be brilliant!


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm still in high school, going to boarding school in Indonesia. I'm thinking about taking up welding when I get back to the US.
And I'd have to agree with Downstate, I want a more physical job with stable pay so I can let music just be a creative release.

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/166/p … ome-setup/


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You might try re-writing all your songs into one giant continuous track, and between songs just have drums going and change the tempo up.


(59 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think you are over thinking it


(32 replies, posted in Releases)

DataFix wrote:

Why are they all numbers...

yeah, did you name your songs in the order you made them?


(32 replies, posted in Releases)

Too be honest your release wasn't really what I expected at all.
I really enjoyed the unpredictably of the songs. Lots of jumbled and eerie leads, backed with confusing/ominous but complimenting bass. I like how it flows too.. how some of your songs constantly change and evolve, and don't often go back and repeat previous sections of itself. It was sometimes hard to follow however. At some points it seemed like you were throwing random notes out there. But it kept me interested. To me, almost all of them seemed kinda bitter and sad at the same time... It puts me in a weird state of mind. Anyways, I liked 24 and 38 the best. It was definitely unusual to me.

thanks for the music

what we need (or what I want) is someone else making chip in ID. Boise definitely has a little of that indie-ish, NW feel musicwise, and I bet a chiptune community would thrive here if a few people would just get it going.


(62 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bryface wrote:

to be honest, if my music shows up in the playlists of the artists i look up to and respect, mission accomplished.  that tells me that i have provided for them in the same way that they've provided entertainment to me.

Really just this.


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Some of my friends play pokemon roms on a jailbroken itouch. has anyone tried this with lsdj? I might consider jail breaking mine if I know it can work.


(37 replies, posted in Audio Production)

I make most of my chip with reason! It's nice to see that a lot of other people here like it too.
here's some of my techniques...

for drums, I usually load 2 or 3 Redrum machines with samples from the NN-XT patches/drums&percussion/drums&kits/click house dub samples. there are a bunch of cool blippy sounds in there... sometimes I also just load a plain drum kit and "bit crush" the Redrum with a scream 4 set on digital and with P1 under 10.

A lot of neat chip percussion sounds can be made with Subtractor also... In my song "delumitate", thats all I used. You can make snares and hats by turning the Osc. mix way to the right (osc. 2 has to be turned off) and messing around with the noise parameters.
I make the kicks like this:

and from there you can get a lot of abstract blippy sounds by adjusting stuff in the mod envelope.

I rarely use any of the instrument patches for the synths, I just load up a bunch of subtractors and make my own sounds. I use the DDL-1 all the time with a little bit of reverb too.

another fun trick I use is to make two identical synths, then run the 6:2 line mixer under each of them and pan them all the way in opposite directions. Write an identical little tune in each of them but automate the octaves to switch back and forth, opposite of each other. I did this in parts of my song "bits".

I hope this is the kind of feedback you're looking for smile


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I would just like to start gigging when I come home to the states this summer. I need to put together a better setup first though.


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

i've looked it over again and and the wires are connected where they should be... however i noticed that the new jack is getting sound on both sides, just that one side is barely hearable compared to the other. The stock jack is still only plays through one ear, but whats weird is that the usual high pitched humming sound of the cgb is coming out both sides of it. o.0


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I installed an 1/8" jack to my cgb last night.. after soldering it and putting it all back together, the stock headphone jack still worked fine but I only had sound in the left ear through the new jack.
I opened it up again today. A soldered pin on the new jack, the side that wasn't getting sound, looked like crap so I re did it. I still only have sound in the left side there, but now the sound has cut out in the stock jack on the opposite side.
All the soldering jobs by pot and new jack look fine, so what else could be wrong here?