Yo everyone needs to hear this.
THIS ! I listen it at least once a day !!!
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by XyNo
Yo everyone needs to hear this.
THIS ! I listen it at least once a day !!!
Un poisson s'il vous plait !
JAWsome !!!
I wish someone put it on youtube or something like that because I dont have any satellite,cable or whatever...fuck tv !
Saw him saturday ! Finally able to see my Atari ST french Cousin !!! Never thought I could dance like crazy like that !!! XD
One of the best chipshows I saw !!!
May's catch up ZIP is now out, grab it here
XyNo wrote:Where is Snoopdroop ?
Singapore atm!
Nice ! Cool for him !
I want to know what happened tooooooo
Postal M@rket
THIS !!!
Where is Snoopdroop ?
Anything new from Peaches is always an instant download for me !!!
Montreal someday ? Come on people 5000dL ! XD
This release is awesome guys !!! Can't wait to have my cd !
I can't wait !!!
The official statement just posted:
As of June 4th, 2013, and with the release of our 100th offering, Pause has officially decided to close its doors for good. In 2007, Eirik (Phlogiston) and myself (Disasterpeace) started Pause to create a home for ourselves and some of our favorite musicians to release music to the public. In 6 years, the internet has changed quite drastically, and we can safely say that our mission was a success, and that we're leaving at a time when access to chipmusic, and tools for musicians in general, have never been better. Many of those who were affiliated with Pause in the past have continued to succeed with great projects of their own, including the excellent netlabels Ubiktune (http://ubiktune.org/), Telefuture (http://telefuturenow.com/), and Pterodactyl Squad (http://ptesquad.com/), all of which are worth checking out.
Our collection will remain online for as long as humanly possible, so that those who never had the opportunity to explore our catalogue may do so. Thank you to everyone who joined in our efforts to create a home for our music, and shared in its appreciation. Much love and respect!
- Rich (and Eirik)
At least they will keep it online...(The opposite of Megatwerp !)
Goodbye pause...Hope Rich and Phloggy will continue to do awesome stuffs !!!
it's awesome they plugged PTEsquad btw. They totally need more attention !!
Yay it's finally out !!! Congrats David !!!
There is LSVJ but all the sites seems to be down...ill try to find it somewhere else...
EDIT: Oh I forgot to say there is a glitchnes like roms for the Master System too !
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by XyNo