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Topics by XyNo
Posts found: 1,185-1,199 of 1,199
Heosphoros wrote: NO CARRIER wrote: Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns and Roses
Please, do a good job. It all hinges on the opening guitar part. If you fuck that up, you're done.
If there are already covers of this song, post them. Warning: if they are bullshit I will be upset.
Hammer Smashed Face by Cannibal Corpse
Please, do a good job. It all hinges on the opening guitar part. If you fuck that up, you're done.
If there are already covers of this song, post them. Warning: if they are bullshit I will be upset.
Wooah Hammer Smashed Face...this is some serious shit !!!
sxe_weekend wrote: XyNo wrote: Fake Glasses FTW !
are those the real 3D glasses without lenses?
Obviously, the answer is yes my friend !!!
Fake Glasses FTW !
Forgot to drop a name in my dreamlist but...I want ARCADECOMA. !!!
Like him...I'm fuccking my MPC every night !!!
XC3N wrote: Xyno: Battle Lava and not me eh? I'll remember this!
BitShifter: Fuck yeah 8gb!!
Oh fucck...I wanted to add your name...sorry Soo you can chop my head off with a chainsaw next time I'm going to Montreal !!!
A little late but here is my dream list... -Jellica -gwEm & Counter Reset -Disasterpiece -Paza -Battle Lava -STu -Alex Mauer -GOTO80
The "Pikachu" in Pokémon Adventure is a Big Joke hahaha
XC3N wrote: NYC has never hosted [XC3N] without Aliceffekt... [XC3N] is doing chip music, Aliceffekt isn't...
sounds like a good opportunity for all of us =P
True !!!
Hey want a SNES A/V cable ? I think I will take this P64 after all... Problem solved ?
CMDR wrote: how about titling forums by their chip names.
more confusing...If we say SID and Paula...people will say "It's supposed to be Sid and Nancy...right ?!" hahaha
Nice !!! I added myself mr. Lava !
I didn't want to do this but I think I don't have the choice...
In 4 days my friends !!!
Posts found: 1,185-1,199 of 1,199
Pages Previous 1 … 73 74 75 / Forums / Posts by XyNo