Hey Nullsleep, yah i know and i´m agree with you. But was that way, mainly to evade purist-haters. I have tons of artists that aren´t in the list that actually are pretty good and has some interesting pieces.

My (just my) criteria was a bit based in the list at wayofthepixels. Which i considerate "the best place to look".. But basically the criteria was a bit like this...

Experience and trajectory (sceners/oldschool artists), good technique (final result of the pieces), unique style (colors and forms), have been an influence to others people or have something that deserves other ppl to see it.

My plan with this list so far, is to make some kind of "BIBLE", so anybody pixel/non-pixel artist can check it and found good information about. And the main plan is to keep it up to date, for some reason the other list are a bit dead, but still have information that arent in this list. So little by little im adding it, reading and checking for new apps, artist, videos, books, etc... im doing it because i like and dig that other ppl can find information about and because there are many things on this list that deserv to be share. So about the artist, i will try to add more and more, little by little. Honestly im waiting more feedback about the list, like yours, because i think this should be made by more ppl than just one (me in this case)

Oh, about the noob, was just a joke, im not really saying that him or me are noobs, is just and old joke. I will probably try to get/ask other pixelartist that are/aren´t in the list and discuss about the artist criteria, because im know is a sensitive point for many ppl (purist/haters).

Sorry for the long msg, is just to clarify "why"
greetings... and also..

UPDATE tongue
more videos, apps and few words fixed. I still didnt touched the artist part, but defenely im planing to do it.


(5 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

oh!, i didnt knew about that one, acutally the vayagif has some ¨original¨ gifs. But dont know about the sources, just sharing links :X... do you have any other website with animated gif to share???, plz shoot! :X


(5 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

i think many ppl will dig this!....



Added more videos, twitter users and fixed few errors.


Added more videos, Thx to @KePHF and @3dgust.

If you have any info about pixelart or related. Throw a comment big_smile. The idea is to make this list like a "first aid manual".


New online apps, new videos and few little changes.

* ilkke *


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

can somebody explain me what's that icon in the SONG'S?, which looks like braile with blue dots?... is some kind of rating or counter?


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

uB actually this is 17", and thats how it looks in mine.
And is just an idea, i see the new home a bit confusing, specially because of the songs.. the rest is pretty much the same.


(116 replies, posted in General Discussion)

ouch!, the new home is confusing as hell! sad and for ppl like me that dont want much information is a bit painful having it. If you guys plan to leave it like that, plz leave an option to switch between the old and the new. Because i personaly dont want all that information sad

What about something like this?

nitro2k01, maybe is just broken and our "theories" are probably rubbish, specially mines! XDD. Or maybe he is just using the wrong version. Also, you wont belive me, but those worked on mine. Especially the BLOW IT. I think the best, is wait till he tell us if they are new or used (sounds like used cuz of teh BUNCH and 2 transfers II). And probably as you said, they are just broken! sad

this transfer is a bit tricky form time to time
What i have tried after many many errors, this list might sound stupid, but some of them worked for me.

- Blow it, same with the cart. Sometimes is just that, so try it, also clean the Cart if possible.
- Try to use the USB power in the back of the computer connections. Dont use the front connections. (hope you understand this)
- Check the program, you need the right one, as kitsch said. I tried in various Windows versions and i can tell is no that.
- This maybe will sounds "stupid". But have you ever tried to copy/load the program from DESKTOP or C:\ root?
- Try the different windows compatibility in case you haven't.

good luck


(30 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)


minusbaby wrote:

Ay bendito, se ha olvidado de mí.

Sorry Richard, no "noobs" allowed in that list! sad((... i hope you can forgive me, if this makes you feel good, I'm not on that list. :X


I added more apps, links, artists and i created a new section called TWITTER, from twitters users dedicated to promote pixelart (not artist or companies). I also added a section called BOOKS / MAGAZINES, ready to be filled, little by little! tongue

akira^8GB wrote:

I gave them plenty of culo shaking acción para que les sobre por 4 años in last year's edition xD

true!, but why not more?? XDDD Maybe the next CULO shaking will be on Blip @ Europe???... if is that... MENEO + 8GB = la bomba hijo!...