Hey trash80,

Yah, I thought about it, but i was thinking to made a NEW list called LIVE MOTION / VJ, Or something like that. Because i know there are a lot of things outthere that ppl dont know or use because they dont have the information. Why a new list?, well this is getting very NASTY! XDDD...
We (culturachip.org) have a short list of this kind of stuff

http://www.culturachip.org/doku.php?id= … isuales_vj

And yes, the idea is to have some research of the hardwares and soft that you can use for Life Motion (including the commercials and the free ones, like this list)

I also wanted a list of ASCII, but i dont know much about that. So i will probably investigate a lot more first.


(4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

plz let me know if you guys work on that! :DDDD (just re-post here! JEJE)


(4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

› click me to read me

referred to this
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/4103/ … -wip-list/


(29 replies, posted in Atari)

saskrotch, yah, somebody ad that few months ago... Awesome OP tracker/sound! ^^ one of my favorites, so far....

And.... i was thinking to create a list of trackers for each console/format like the PIXEL TOOLS LIST im working... but... this site is LOTWAY BETTER
http://woolyss.com/tracking.php - (im sure most of you already know this one)

minimalist!!!!.... jeje... i would love to see moar! :DDD.... as i said, i liked the house...

a short suggest, try to add more color contrast between background elements and foreground elements.


(24 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

herr_prof wrote:

I just open all the toopics i want to view ina new tab.. works great,


"better organizacion", tons of ICON EDITORS, and few things! :DDDD


(4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

mmmm is there is anyway possible to chance the color of the Spoiler bbcode?
if not, is anyway possible to add this!?? ^ ^

in anycase, thx tongue


New galleries, new artists, new commercial and free apps, and added the Atari 800 "section" thx to Tinctu :DDD

this is getting pretty sick!! jajaja...


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

someonesomewhere wrote:

also... i really dig this man! :DDD (i will investigate moar about yer art!!!!... mauhahaha


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)


subte cards by iloveui, on Flickr

there is not oficial famitracker that cant import NSF files, is just this version...

bucky, yah man!... as i tell to a friend... is some way is BAD, because some ppl have "some secrects" in their tracks and it is a way to get those tricks without the permission of the person who did the track, which is a bit bad! sad and probably that;s why JSR have no plan to implement it in famitracker... but in some other way, is a HUGE way to learn about other ppl and learn from the OLD sountracks.

Bucky did you tried with the SUPER NSF????, wonder if famitracker is able to support that! XD (im sure not), but the 0.3.7 has a bug, that you can actually import more than 16kbytes samples.

I think from now on, NSF composer will not be the same! :PPPP....


New links, added tutorial links, some artist and few errors fixed and added #comments

certified!!!, jejeje...

Nice to see you around here! :DDDD... i saw your works at pixejoint while ago. Keep up the good work!

And people, if you have the money/project HIRE/CONTACT this guy!

damgood!!..... i want one for xmas!