More tools and few artists...

iLKke, i have a quesiton for you, where i can find the Panda's Website/Gallery???

m00dawg, seens like you cant mute channels in the PowerPak, hachisanju on IRC told me this...

<hachisanju> hm... well you can split your NES into stereo so that you've got your squares in one input and your triangle noise and dpcm in another. then you can control them if you've got two outputs. but one channel you can't do.
<hachisanju> unless your NSF is muted on that channel.

other option is... compile the NSF/SONG into a NES file with a player itself...  miau and i, made something like that in a NES-DISK release...
here is the NES file
http://iloveui.com/music/KILLER_BEATS/u … y_miau.nes

You can mute each channel with B and A to select and pads for move. Honestly dont know how hard is to create a generic player to compile songs into a NES file... since i dont know anythign about code.


(101 replies, posted in Collaborations)

did i hear Konami/Capcom???... come on guys!!! sad(((( dont you guys think it's a bit lame been on the 2011?, sad

i would love to hear some NON Konami/Capcom style OST....  atleast it will propose new stuff on and old sound... tongue

and dont take me like a bad or something, i just wanna hear "new" stuff on NES/Fami. In any case, i would like to hear the final result big_smile


(34 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

kineticturtle wrote:
ui wrote:

NES Vjing program that can actually WORKS with the NINTENDO LIGHTGUN!!

Lightgun only works when pointed at CRT screens. You could bring one around for monitoring and use it to point the lightgun at it, but most of the audience will miss how awesome it is, and you'd have to haul a CRT around.

oh, i see.. so it wont work if you point it to a proyected video on a video beam... is there is anyway to "fake it"?, i mean... im sure there is a way to make the Lightgun working in a non CRT screen. Why i said that?, well when i was a child, i remember to shooting around with the GUN and still killing the DUCKS without point it to the TV/CRT Screen, so probabaly is something by the contrast of the colors or a group of colors.

An another technical question is... you can use just the Trigger of the Lightgun like B/A from a normal PAD??? i mean, without point anywhere and still send the information to the nes by using the trigger?


(34 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

i added this idea to the litewall post while ago, but here is again...

Any coder could work in some NES Vjing program that can actually WORKS with the NINTENDO LIGHTGUN!!... imagine a VJ shooting ppl around while he is Vjing!!!... totally showman/neat way to VJ!!!...
Dont know if that possible, but would be nice to implement a system like that... for example... you have your NES with 2 controls... PAD 1, is a normal control, PAD 2 is the lightgun.... in the pad 1 you do the "setting" and the pad 2 is for changing forms/sizes/colors by shooting somthing in the screen or somewhere... or just made a system like... 1 shoot for jump to another + form /+ color / up-size / + speed, 2 shoots for - form / + color / down-size / - speed and so on...
or you have 2 guns to run/setting/play and VJing... big_smile

maybe this is just a crazy idea, but i think is possible and actually will TOTALLY add the SHOWMAN factor to the Vjs and the Vj can actually interactive with the public too and with the artist who's playing instead of been in a lame background playing with images.

im up to generate any kind of graphics for a Vj program for NES/Family...

iLKke wrote:

http://www.swordandsworcery.com/ - ???  (???)

= http://superbrothers.ca/ - Superbrothers (Canada)

thx thx mister iLKke...

More free/commercial tools, more artists, more links and few other things

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalable_V … plications (many many SVG tools/related)

If you know any tool that it's not on the list, plz comment with the Name/Link if is possible.
If you find any link is broken or older version or wrong name, plz report it with a post.
Any feedback to improve the list is welcome!... thx smile

here we go...

› / / / ///////   FREE

› / / / ///////   COMMERCIALS

(Multi-plataform, Win, MAC, Linux, Unix)

› / / / ///////   WEB APPS

(HTML5, Flash, Java)


(Android, iPhone, iPod touch, iPad)

› / / / ///////   BY CODE (FREE/COMMERCIALS)

› / / / ///////   RELATED TOOLS

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

› / / / ///////   ARTISTS

› / / / ///////   GALLERIES

› / / / ///////   LINKS

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Added more web apps and artists....

@miau, tehe! :PPP i dont think i have to add anything else, and i think you and lunar know already what i think about you guys! :DDD
but just in case some ppl didnt get my "bad joke".... here is ...

FICKJA!, im stunned!!!! :DDD i saw a beta while ago and i was exited about this project and few of your other projects, this demo release is superv!! it has many pro/quality things!!! as i commented you at irc... and the new music by lunar is tripla-ace!... btw, i want moar miau things from miau!!! also from lunar!!! !!! !!! !!! !!

I hope ppl who dont know you, know from you NOW... as i said like 3 years ago or maybe more... hope you get noticed/famous someday! :DDDD you ficking deserv it!... and yer a monster, just a bit lazyass sometimes! :PPPP....

I think this game is a new inspiration and some fresh air!! for most of us, specially for the botb family!!! jajajaja... (> ioi)> *botb hug.... WE NO NEED HEOSPHOROS LOVE!!!

also, gimme the code fur secrect rooms morderfoker!!!....

this sux!!!... i dont like to punch bats, intro and music are the worst i have ever hear/seen in a nes game... gfx seens to been made for a person who have no matter of quality or have 8 years old!... and in general term is a frustrated bad game
The guy who coded this should be thinking in buying a ticket for u-bahn from earth to the moon and stay there, nobody need ppl like him doing this kind of poor quality stuff!!!!!!

FICK JA!!!.... ihatemiau.com!!!..... (> ^o^)>


(48 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

p1xl wrote:

Ah, true.  I'll work on that.

As for a DMC (samples, right?) player, it would be pretty easy if it could be wrapped into an NSF.  PPMCK could do that, and then you'd need to assemble it.  It might be tricky to roll that all into something that Alchemy could compile.  Hmm.  Let me think on that one.

Yes i was meaning samples. I think this would be SUPERUSEFULL, if could be imprement in sites like. http://2a03.free.fr/ - http://famitracker.shoodot.net/ or any other. The main idea of that, is to try to create some kind of DMC archive/deposit. So ppl can actually play the samples there and download them! big_smile...

Plz, let us know if you got any update and thx for your enffort big_smile

*E wrote:

Is this the same Ikuma? https://8bc.org/members/ikuma

i dont think is there is any other Ikuma! :PPP

IKUMAAAAAAA we need you!!!!........

can i have 1 for x-mas?


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nitro2k01 wrote:

ui: These guys are mathematical researchers. Their job is not to showcase pixel artists, but to showcase their algorithm. And for that reason I think it's actually the right choice for them to choose game sprites. The game sprites are neutral. Game sprites should be well polished, but don't really mean anything outside of the game context, which means the average reader will focus on what the algorithm does. More artistic artwork will likely beg the questions, where is this from, what does it mean? and take away the attention of the thing on display (the algorithm.)

And to continue the neutrality argument, game sprites are pixelated because they needed to be, and were actually usually not even perceived as being pixelated because of the TV screen's blur. It was never part of the aesthetic. Pixel art on the other hand, especially in recent years, is focusing on the pixelation as an aesthetic. It might even be seen as a light insult to the artist to depixelate their art. All of a sudden you have two conscious aesthetic choices that are competing, pixelated or depixelated, and the reader will perhaps not be judging the algorithm just on its technical merits because he may have a bias towards the pixelated aesthetic, if they were using "modern" pixel art as examples.

i will quote myself...

ui wrote:

And yes, they arent pixel artists... but im just saying big_smile

Just in case, im not offended or saying this is bad...

ui wrote:

... but im just saying big_smile

hope you get my point

@Frostbyte. sure... www.iloveui.com / www.flickr.com/photos/iloveui /