(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

nitro2k01 wrote:

ui: These guys are mathematical researchers. Their job is not to showcase pixel artists, but to showcase their algorithm. And for that reason I think it's actually the right choice for them to choose game sprites. The game sprites are neutral. Game sprites should be well polished, but don't really mean anything outside of the game context, which means the average reader will focus on what the algorithm does. More artistic artwork will likely beg the questions, where is this from, what does it mean? and take away the attention of the thing on display (the algorithm.)

And to continue the neutrality argument, game sprites are pixelated because they needed to be, and were actually usually not even perceived as being pixelated because of the TV screen's blur. It was never part of the aesthetic. Pixel art on the other hand, especially in recent years, is focusing on the pixelation as an aesthetic. It might even be seen as a light insult to the artist to depixelate their art. All of a sudden you have two conscious aesthetic choices that are competing, pixelated or depixelated, and the reader will perhaps not be judging the algorithm just on its technical merits because he may have a bias towards the pixelated aesthetic, if they were using "modern" pixel art as examples.

i will quote myself...

ui wrote:

And yes, they arent pixel artists... but im just saying big_smile

Just in case, im not offended or saying this is bad...

ui wrote:

... but im just saying big_smile

hope you get my point

@Frostbyte. sure... www.iloveui.com / www.flickr.com/photos/iloveui /

@Frosbyte, if you pay me some bucks i will do the cover art


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

call me troll, purist, hater or whatever... but... is a shame that some ppl just relate pixelart to "8-bits video games" and they always use popular Video Games memes in the easy way. No creative or intellectual appreciation on the pixel art itself...
i would love to see somebody getting this popularity with his own art. Just ask to myself... why the easy way? why use popular memes?, im sure nobody will ever notice/public this if art was from any other artist

And yes, they arent pixel artists... but im just saying big_smile

@party time hexcellent, yah Unfreeze was already there big_smile. About http://www.virtualdub.org/, i was thinking on adding that and this one...http://www.wayofthepixel.net/pixelation/index.php?topic=2144.0 (THE TECHSMITH CODEC)
@Akira, ... just noobs hates photo-sho :DDD
@Ilkke, i though Firewors get lost and dissapear!!! LOL....since macromedia and adobe now are the same now :S. I will add it them big_smile.... about the ascii, think im agree, but i will investigate a bit more, i already have done a short/wip list in http://www.culturachip.org/doku.php?id=ascii but i know there is a HUGE scene/artists

Im curious if there are other hardwares/games/or whatever to create/draw pixels out there!

I will drop the bomb! i will start to add some artist!!! ^^ hope you guys dont hate for that!... and plz SUGGEST any if you know (i know you do)
I will try to investigate about the "top" artist of each console/computer scene. But i need teeeiimeee.
Also for the haters, i will add artist with trayectory and "unique" or remarkable style or artists who have influenced others.


blip blap blip blap blip blip blap blap blip!!!!........

mine sounds more like... WFFU!!!! instead of WFMU!!!! sad(((

done, sended!. btw big_smile

@akira, ....

@J Y K, smile

I'm thiking on adding ASCII art too, what you guys think?

arfink, any video sometime soon of the funcionality??? i would like to see this baby working :DDD

rad art Keff!!!.... your a monster!!!

g0g0g00g people we need to support this motion!!!

Schoq wrote:

http://info.sonicretro.org/RotSprite is perhaps appropriate. It's a tool that rotates pixel art with a very clean result.

Added :DDD, i saw that app at Pixelation, and seens like the algorism is easy to implement, the guy who develop Brick Atelier is thinking to add it to his program big_smile... i also suggest to submit that to the ppl who develope Grafx2!!!

I added few programs and new sections like HARDWARE.

@Akira, im still waiting for you to test those programs if you can or someone else!...

another good reason to buy an iPhone big_smile
great usefull app for a phone!!!, is a shame the app is so expensive!!!! XDDDD

i posted the news here - http://twitter.com/#!/culturachip

thx man big_smile

the noob has enter in the building!....

this threat still alive!???
because since im drawing a lot for some projects, im up for any kind of challenge... EXCEPT any console/videogame/brand spirte involing.... anything else im fine with.

/me get a ticket and get sit and look at the screen number.....

i was thinking to made something like this in the list...

* http://code.google.com/p/grafx2/ - Grafx2 (Win) (Mac) (Linux) (AmigaOS) (GP2X) (BeOS) etc etc...


* http://code.google.com/p/grafx2/ - Grafx2 # © @

# (Win)
© (Mac)
@ (Linux)
and so on...


Repeat the soft in the list if is needed.
For example: YY-CHR, is not just for nes... as say here
http://www.romhacking.net/?category=10& … tartpage=3
it works for many other consoles/formats. But dont know if add EACH FORMAT/SUPPORTED would be excessive or extensive, it will looks something like this...

* http://www.smwcentral.net/download.php? … type=tools - YY-CHR (Win) - Supports editing NES, SNES, Genesis, PCE, GG, WS/C, GB/C, MSX 1+2, NGP/C, SMS, and GBA graphics

Please let me know what you gusy think.

@Akira, http://aminet.net/package/biz/cloan/PPaint , seens like you can download most of the apps you named. But is there is anyway for you to test that at home?? ! :DDD so i can add the links to that website


(42 replies, posted in Sega)

Shiru wrote:

This situation repeats over and over again

Don't you think that happen for a reason?. Dont take me wrong, but i think that's because the tab or the option is not so obvious or intuitive. I actually checked the tracker few times loocking for the option "WaveOut" and didn't found it because it was related to the SONG options like, PATTERNS / INSTRUMENTS / INFORMATION / EDITOR. So wasn't that obvious to me. I think (is just my opinion) if is a program with a User Interface, you should make the program intuitive or atleast the options/config, and that probably sounds a bit trolling from my side!, but it's not! XDD...

And yes, people (including me) should check the HELP FILES indeed and PAY ATTENTION.

Btw, excuse me my n00bish tongue, and to evade n00bs like me, i suggest you to change the name to something intuitive or put that option in the main menu like... Edit-> Setting or File -> Configuration, Help-> Options.

And thx again for the program and your patience smile)))

@Ilkke, added!, most of the programs i added in the new "section" are like Painter and for Animation. If you own an iPhone, g00g0g0g0!! XDD, let me know in anycase. I also moved ArtRage to that new section.

@Party Time! Hexcellent!, :OOO nametable editor!?? DOOWNLOADING!, didnt know, thx for the update big_smile

@Akira, you will have to help me a bit there, i have no idea about those. But googling i found this...
http://eabmobile.abime.net/showthread.p … post753202
seens like they are all AMIGA OS and Apple II based

it wasnt an article itself, was a person who mention that he did the pixel art in ArtRage 3... here is
http://vacant-curses.deviantart.com/art … oodonly=69

but that's not really oficial to been honest! tongue... so im asking in the forum... here is the link
http://www2.ambientdesign.com/forums/sh … hp?t=34906

also, if i remember Painter is able to do pixelart too, but the config was a pain, if i remember you had to add a brush and a plug-in, but that was about 6-7 years ago so have no idea how it;s now!... i will investigate about it too..

know if this programs are able to do pixel art? - they are all MAC so i can't test them! XD

Ilkke, i was thinking to add some "non-pixel" programs but art related in a short list as Painter / Colors (ds/iphone) and few others. Just to not create a new list! LOL... what do you think??


(12 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

if you pay me i can made one for you! smile