somebody didnt get the joke, or maybe i didnt get the "contra-joke", who knows!?
129 Dec 18, 2012 6:25 am
Re: How do I make 1 bit animations? (8 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
130 Dec 18, 2012 6:23 am
Re: Minor Piggy UI user experience improvements. (80 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)
excuse me but... i cant improve others users experience, i'm not a nice guy to improve at all!... (badjoke)
131 Dec 16, 2012 2:14 am
Re: How do I make 1 bit animations? (8 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
YES, i can confirm than those are pics, that's pretty much lame color reduction of a picture. Pretty simple in some programs as photoshop...
But if you want to animate this kind of stuff by your own i have few apps to recomendations.
* - EasyToon (WIN) # Mainly Animation in B&W.
If you own a DSi
* - Flipnote Studio (DSiWare) # Free
You can export to ANIMATED GIF from there. And you can use from 2 to 3 colors, which is 1 bit/1.5 bits? XDDD
If you own a DS or DSLite
* - Animanatee (NDS) #Homebrew
* - UnFREEZ (WIN) # Mix into Animated GIF file
Any other tool or app, check this link
132 Dec 8, 2012 2:00 am
Re: Chip de mierda! compilation! ;D (28 replies, posted in Collaborations)
we probably got trolled!
133 Dec 6, 2012 9:22 pm
Re: Chip de mierda! compilation! ;D (28 replies, posted in Collaborations)
can i send a track from one of my EP, or they need to be NEW SONGS? and just LSDJ? why!? ((
134 Dec 3, 2012 2:46 pm
Re: ui at GAMEXPO (VENEZUELA) (25 replies, posted in Past Events)
some pictures
I will have some videos soon! if you guys mind! XD
135 Dec 2, 2012 3:39 am
Re: ui at GAMEXPO (VENEZUELA) (25 replies, posted in Past Events)
guys, there is not way to do a stream tomorrow!, i will record videos and upload them later!, thx for the support! alll n000bzzz
136 Dec 1, 2012 3:05 am
Re: ui at GAMEXPO (VENEZUELA) (25 replies, posted in Past Events)
hey guys!, really thx for the support! :DDD... i dont know if i will be able to stream! (( will check tomorrow
Toastypinecone, my inspiration comes from mostly everything for this last mask, was a mix between insect an bird
137 Nov 28, 2012 5:08 am
Re: ui at GAMEXPO (VENEZUELA) (25 replies, posted in Past Events)
here is a little update about the mask, im almost done with the basic form/shape and then i will add colors and some leds!
138 Nov 27, 2012 7:57 am
Re: A Pixel Art Drop Box (1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
Jansaw wrote:Wow! Looks like something Minusbaby would make.
its kitschs i belive, dont know if he made it though
mmm i did it for Kitsch bent, the design is mine, and i think im sure! XD....
btw did you guys saw this?
FLYING TACO by iloveui, on Flickr
139 Nov 27, 2012 7:53 am
Re: Best way to ship packages??? (6 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Liste to kitsch, he knoe what he is talking about, really. I have recieve many packs from him, without any problem
I personally use "my local" post-service company. Which is Ipostel, is basically the goverment-post-service, and is lot cheaper than others, even for international shipping. In any case, if youre sending electronic stuff, clarify they are all used and old, otherwise in some countries the receivers will have to pay a lot of money, because some hardware/products have to pay tax and few other stuffs which i dont know the name in english. But basically as many saids... local/native post service will probably be the best. You can also try first by sending small stuff/packs and if they arrive fine and "in time", then try something bigger
140 Nov 27, 2012 7:44 am
Re: ui at GAMEXPO (VENEZUELA) (25 replies, posted in Past Events)
the new mask is comming out pretty neat! hope i can made a "stream" of the show, jajajaja... will be this next sunday at 1pm local time -
If i cant stream i will try to record-uplaod-youtube ...
141 Nov 25, 2012 9:31 pm
Re: ui at GAMEXPO (VENEZUELA) (25 replies, posted in Past Events)
ui will be "playing"? If there's a "stream", I will definitely try to "watch" it. Please keep us "posted".
(double quote)
142 Nov 24, 2012 10:08 pm
Topic: ui at GAMEXPO (VENEZUELA) (25 replies, posted in Past Events)
HEY GUYS!, im "playing" at this event, December 02
Is a big event about videogames here in Venezuela (Caracas), basically i will be performing with my DS (ProteinDS), GAMEBOYS(LSDJ), NES(PowerPak) of course a Mask... and the nice thing about this is... 20 minutes before the performance ends. I will be Jamming with two guys (Saxo and Bass), i have no idea how this will ends!, but is pretty much cool!.
I will try to stream the performace, in case anyone cares. Also i will made a New mask.
Check one of my old mask ->
All n00bs!!!
144 Nov 20, 2012 5:44 am
Re: Medusa 2 (VSTi for Windows) (38 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
bump for teh awesome!