(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

furrtek wrote:

That's only for shipping, I'll send the first boxes thursday afternoon.
Working something out with someone for the next batches wink

Are you cartoon style swimming in money yet?

DBOYD wrote:
TylerBarnes wrote:

Individual instrument exporting is seriously a game changer.

^ this

Seriously thank you OP for the work you've put into this, can't wait to try it out.

I'm not necessarily convinced that this feature is all that important, but I could be wrong. Personally, I stopped keeping track of patches about 3 years in to my time with LSDJ. Once I started remembering the reasons why my instruments are the way they are I found it easy enough to continually make instruments on the fly. This could be just me though, I haven't talked to a whole lot of people about that.


(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

No thanks, I'd like to keep my vision.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The One Electronic wrote:

Throw a G00 at the top of the table and it makes it scroll at the same speed your phrase does.  You should be able to make it cycle at the exact same rhythm/tempo you desire.

Totally forgot to mention this! This is a great way to make rhythms on a different scale than regular tables, which are a lot better for just small scale stuff. If you want to do a lot of changes within every phrase step or every 2-3 phrase steps this might not be for you, but otherwise it's a great way to get changes on instruments with long decay times.

Another thing to consider is turning your instrument's automate table setting to "on." This makes it so every time you place a note with your instrument the table moves one step. If you want an evolving instrument but want more manual control over the timing this might be the way to go.

Pshhh... no kit patching? Useless.

(Actually though this looks really good, I'm excited to try it.)


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

n00bstar wrote:

I usually start with an empty song. And I stop when it's finished.

Usually a good strategy.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Each step in the phrase is 6 steps in a table at the default groove, so depending on how you want to use your W and H commands you can get almost any timing you want. Try some of these:

TylerBarnes wrote:
TetrisEffect wrote:

Stop living in the past man

But isn't that why we are all here to begin with? tongue

Nah, musically nostalgia is kind of a crutch. I'm here for crunch wav channel bass.

Yeah but it's a small one so you'd have to be really good at it.


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Roll a 4 sided die, now you know what channel to start with.

TetrisEffect wrote:
Dire Hit wrote:

I swear to god there was a tutorial on 8bc exactly like this and that's how it ended.

Stop living in the past man


TylerBarnes wrote:
Dire Hit wrote:

Maybe I'm mis-remembering the tutorial but I think you skipped the steps where you go take a shower and your friend replaces the mp3 with a sabrepulse song as a joke and that's how you get fans.

I don't get it. Did someone do that?

I swear to god there was a tutorial on 8bc exactly like this and that's how it ended.

TylerBarnes wrote:

Maybe I'm mis-remembering the tutorial but I think you skipped the steps where you go take a shower and your friend replaces the mp3 with a sabrepulse song as a joke and that's how you get fans.


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

4mat wrote:



(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The8BitMachine wrote:
Dire Hit wrote:

It's adorable how accessible you think chipmusic is.

No, there isn't a traditional radio station anywhere as far as I know but there are quite a few internet ones that you can probably find through google.

lol well it kinda is, you can get MIDI files and XM files (for mod plug trackers) for just about every chiptune, just about anywhere!
not to mention the 100+ hours of chiptune music lying around youtube! its great : )

Vocab lesson, accessible can also mean "likable," like it does in this context.


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Apeshit wrote:

It's a cherry switch. Digikey has them. http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/e … ND/1083858

And now I'm going to spend hours browsing digikey again.