Kind if torn on whether to sign up for this with Peaches or leave spaces for new chip bros.

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

If you have the amen and the funky drummer you dont really need more breaks



(24 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

There are a couple of ways to do it.
1. send OSC messages from the arduino into puredata (not midi)
2. use the firmata pd external to interface with the arduino. (also not midi)
3. some convoluted midi version. (midi)

My music hasn't been posted so I'm going to request that he link a download of it so I have something to complain about.


(44 replies, posted in General Discussion)

In the 10 minutes before I hit record on my computer.


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

I'm kind of curious to see how Vice would handle presenting chipmusic (They wouldn't be covering drugs or politics, so they'd less likely to fuck up their portrayal).

I think you'll find The Creators Project already did, with a 3-part feature on Datathrash Recordings and its artists. … recordings


(27 replies, posted in Releases)

Oooh, try again.


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yeah, TCTD_Official blocked official3 so its not even fun now.

I'm here till Thursday, try the steak.


(27 replies, posted in Releases)

I think the problem is that in general doesn't seem too keen on the 'chip version of popular music' thing that is so prevalent on youtube and previously 8bc.

I'm sure you'll find magical 8bit very limiting in terms of it's sound design capabilities and sound quality in general. If you can, I'd suggest chipsounds.
It will run as an audio unit so it will be usable from garageband. It's $95, but Christmas is coming up. If chip is something you're keen on, talk to your parents about it.

Work on some original music, and when you've worked your guts out and have an original track you can be proud of, show us.

It's a regular cable, it's just the one that connects to a pocket/colour.


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Breakpoint 2013 looks wrapped up at this point.


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Google pays this stay at home mom to make chiptunes!
Click here to see how you can make $600 a day.

You'll need $1500, then i'll come to your house and make some sweet jams.


(9 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

You can use the 555 to drive the 4017.

It might be worth checking out this

and search for the baby 10 sequencer for a 555/4017 based sequencer.

At least start and select are on the right side, so LSDJ would be usable.

I want to hear your sound comparisons.

Set times are up.