(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kineticturtle wrote:

Looks nice! ASM prosound boards are theee best!

Making the extra hole was a pain for me, but it was worth it. You actually notice the difference in sound quality with the ASM board compared to the stock one, both for the pro sound and original line-outs.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Here is my first serious mod. I spent a lot of time gathering all of the components and things, and the same thing for building it. It's taught me a lot of new things about DMG modding, and I've made some stupid mistakes in the process which aren't too annoying and actually gives it a proof that it was my own work xD

It's got:
- Green/clear Kitsch case.
- Black modern screen cover from ASM.
- Super Famicom buttons.
- PCB Mount Pro Sound V2 from ASM.
- Normal yellow backlight from kitsch.

Thanks to Kitsch and ASM for the different kits and things and to nerdsome for his help as well : )

I guess the LEDs on the backlight affect the speaker output in some way. I can't remember if the same thing happens in the stock line-out, but I think so.

I have that in my 3 DMGs. I guess it's something inevitable.

Yes, I didn't get that either...

Teh D3th St4r wrote:

This project (as well as most others) is being suspended until further notice... Possibly indefinitely
Bipolar disorder is a bitch.

I can understand you. After spending so much time and effort on something, seeing it stuck is one of the biggest disappointments one can have. I'm sure today you'd just throw it away in anger, but leave some time and try it up in a few months. If you ever finish, it's gonna be huge dude ; )


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

That Fallout Boy is SICK! YOU RULE

FerretBoy wrote:

does anybody ever mail these crashes?

When they happen, I hardly ever can read anything on the screen... so...


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Cool. Thank you guys!

Please do tell us if that happens : )


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Sorry if this is a bit unrelated, but shouldn't that goomba lsdj be a .gba file? I don't know how to put it in my EZ-Flash IV otherwise...

If you were to split that pack, I am looking for a Mega Memory Card : )


(7 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

At least from what it says in the technical specifications, it should work fine.

trash80 wrote:
Saskrotch wrote:

The only negative thing I can think of about this, is that there will be a shit ton more threads of people announcing they posted a single track on soundcloud or what have you

Maybe we should have soundcloud integration in general, or at least a link to field.

SoundCloud integration sounds perfect!


(66 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

I coincide with Russellian. So cool!

I've ended up loving this xD Here's a notepad one:

Saskrotch wrote:

flash memory is 1 megabit, which is 128k, which is the size of an LSDJ save file.

That was what I had heard : )