(6 replies, posted in Trading Post)

This has been around for a little while... Although I just realised that you don't want the prosound. It's a good idea to get it though. Otherwise, Pikachu gold or if you want to pay $300: here. Check ebay.co.uk yourself, you will most likely find a couple more items.


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Looks nice. Good job smile

Doesn't the prosound get in the way if you are using it whilst holding the GBL?


(177 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jansaw wrote:

Don't click this

That's right! I remember reading that in the manual once, but I briefly skipped over it as I was looking for something else.

Mmm ok. Sounds worth trying those commands

I guess. This was sort of a 3 day project where I spent the dying hour before I went to bed putting something together. What happened was I was really focused on the end bit and stuff, so I didn't really go back over and revise. But I'm still leaving the song that way, just cause I personally like the way it's been set up and stuff.

And btw, I think that the drum is definitely sounding too heavy at around 0.35 (right after your drop/spike thing). I would maybe lay it off there, maybe change your drum to a fuller sound or just completely cut it out. That's really the only part that it doesn't sound right. It just seems a bit to soon to add in that drum section with that specific sound and stuff.

Sounds cool. My cousin says that I can create some kind of echo with the S command (or was it R?). But, i tried that and it just sort of dims the tune and stuff.

I like it. At some points, I think the drums don't fit, but otherwise its nice. Question though. First, how did you get that echo effect? I've been puzzling over it for ages at no avail. Second, what about that whole sort of sliding sound? Were you using the WAV channel for your main melody? What's like, the detatails or something on how it's made. Idk, I like to know how stuff is made.

So really all I need to know about my song is what I can improve. I like how it is and all (the style, I was going for a sort of easy-listening tune that will make you listen). All I need to know is if there is a better way to use some of the instruments, or if there is anything you would personally add in. Also just general comments. It my first (published) "chip" only tune (I made another tune, but that was a music project and I had other sounds layered over) and is basically recorded straight from the DS with only a little remastering to try to make the sound better. Don't comment about the background noise cause I know that's a problem. The remastering wasn't done to get rid of it, I just remastered to make the tune sound real and not like it was being played through a tube. Anyway. Enjoy. Share, comment, remix, whatever you people do.
Oh heck mofos its soundcloud.
Oh btw this song is based off the emotion that I gain when I beat an incredibly annoying level/game.


(95 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Honesty, the NDS is actually working out quite well. Fast processor, okay-ish sound, controllable, portable. Basically, everything I need to take it back and forth to school. Good for on-the-go working. The only problem is a canny sound when recording. Easily fixed with playing around with effects on GarageBand.
Getting my first DMG soon, so I shall compare performance. Will then hope to get a CGB after.

EDIT: I realize after listening to a song that I recorded and uploaded to here that the DS produces quite a bit of background noise when recorded. Also, the WAV channel sorta sucks fish wang. But yeah. The tune is pretty crackly, something that isn't good. It's great for beginnings, but when you publish dat shit, be prepared for a butt-load of noise.
You can hear the performance of the DS here.


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Invisible Robot Hands wrote:
Telerophon wrote:

It only took two pages to degrade into dick jokes.

Guys, I know we can do better than this. Next DMG confessional thread, let's try to do it in under ten posts!

To be honest, I held off for a while.


Fakebit. Definitely. Part of a music project that I finished on Pop Music. This is me trying to bring chip into pop. For the most detailed description on how it's made, go to:
Z holy chipmusic link *a chorus sings*

And for all you people who must listen to it on soundcloud, I present to you 25 minutes wasted of a CT class.
Sup this is soundcloud.

Criticism please smile

^ Nothing to criticize. It's a very easy-to-listen-to song. I don't care if it's fakebit or not, it's still chipmusic and a good song to listen to smile


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I've named the very laptop that I am using right now "George". My DSi XL is "Big One" (respectively) due to it's size compared to my other handhelds. GBA is "Stanley" based off the accidental Pkmn Emerald save created when I first got it. DS Lite is "R4-P17" (Star Wars droid) because the only cart ever in is my r4. Finally, my DMG is "Rory" because a) I'm a fan of Doctor Who and b) because it's a retarded way of shortening "RetroBoy."