not my kind of game. i would've liked an 8bit sidescroller better. the 3D makes it weird for me.
1 Dec 7, 2012 7:42 pm
Re: skrillex's ground-breaking new glitch art game (42 replies, posted in General Discussion)
2 Dec 7, 2012 5:10 pm
Re: Decktonic - Forgotten Machines (19 replies, posted in Releases)
3 Dec 7, 2012 2:24 am
Re: nintendo gameboy screwdriver. (10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Hmm. Didnt know the gap was necessary. Thanks. Ill be buying some buttons and screwdriver from you later this month : )
4 Dec 7, 2012 12:38 am
Re: Just some prosound questions... (8 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
My prosound by justin thursday IS quieter by headphones, but its overall better and louder when it comes to speakers. I havent noticed any hum or background noise, though
5 Dec 6, 2012 11:36 pm
Re: nintendo gameboy screwdriver. (10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Thanks guys. Also. A bit unrelated, but when i was checking the type of screw, i noticed the casing wasnt sealing around where the contrast and volume dials are. Does anyone else get this? Is it because the screws are a bit loose?
6 Dec 6, 2012 10:32 pm
Topic: nintendo gameboy screwdriver. (10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I want to get some new buttons for my gameboy pocket I just got. However, none of my screwdrivers fit the screws on the gameboy. can someone tell me where i can get a screwdriver for these?
7 Dec 3, 2012 8:03 pm
Re: FS: WATCH THIS SPACE (33 replies, posted in Trading Post)
these carts be lookin' gooooooooooood! gave some ideas for my own cart.
8 Dec 1, 2012 3:46 am
Re: Welcome to CM.O! (Introduction Thread) (676 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Ive played some guitar, some very little piano, got really good at the harmonica. Ive always wanted to go digital, and discovered chiptunes a few years back. I decided to get serious and actually master the art of lsdj. I eventually want to make chipjazz and ambient, and make chiptunes that make people forget their minds and bodies and melt with the cosmos. I have years of work ahead of me.
9 Nov 30, 2012 1:30 am
Re: LSDJ Draining my Batteries? (9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
nitro2k01 wrote:Or better yet, buy Ni-MH rechargeable ones and a charger. You won't regret it.
This this this this
10 Nov 28, 2012 2:20 am
Re: how to make your songs musically interesting (97 replies, posted in General Discussion)
ya got it, bro.
11 Nov 24, 2012 5:57 pm
Re: I'm Superpowerless and I do things like this (21 replies, posted in General Discussion)
superpowerless I love your stuff!
12 Nov 24, 2012 5:53 pm
Re: Autochiptune (55 replies, posted in General Discussion)
“Really, what we need, is a way to automatically convert raw audio streams into glorious 8-bit chiptunes!”
the covers they had remind me of Action 52 for the NES.
look up their mission statement! these guys are ADORABLE!
13 Nov 24, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Would need some Critic, got Toothpicks. (2 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)
has good build up at the beginning. seems a bit too simple for a dance song. I think I can hear a bass channel being used for percussion. (maybe it's not). I'd bring a percussion kit in for the beats, and use the bass channel to add complexity.
now, about that toothpick...
14 Nov 21, 2012 4:22 pm
Re: Is chipmusic not executed seriously? (61 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I dunno, a lot of awful chipmusic artists release music online, and some of them even get to play live! I remember when I kept up to date with the 8bc uploads. The majority of it was just really awful in every sense, and a big chunk of the rest also failed at being particularly expressive. I think the quality of chip music definitely reflects the quality of amateur music in general. Just like banging a box or any other kind of artistic expression it takes practice to be able to dignifiedly realize your musical ideas. Releasing an album to the internet or getting a gig doesn't automatically make you a master.I think skilled artists will recognize this and avoid thinking in terms of having "mastered" anything.
I meant artists that are really into producing sound they're proud of. I wasn't around for 8bc so I couldn't know of how shitty it was. I never said that getting gigs or releasing albums made people good at what they do. practice does that. You also have to remember I was talking about box banging in the context of IRH's friend's idea of "attention seeking hipster".
"Mastered" also isn't used as a bragging word. It's a technical term used in the arts to say "He or she is good at what he or she does" which simply means they have learned to take full advantage of the medium they're using. whether your or I like how it sounds is a completely different story.
15 Nov 21, 2012 1:11 pm
Re: Is chipmusic not executed seriously? (61 replies, posted in General Discussion)
banging on boxes: requires almost none to no skill at all. Can be called "artistic statement" if you want to justify lack of skill with subject matter (I wouldn't). you can take it to a more complicated level and have several people bang on different kinds of cardboard and make different rhythms to produce a song. However, we'll go along with the assumption that your friend meant just banging on boxes for attention. I would chose pots and pans, honestly.
chipmusic: requires skill to use LSDJ, NES, SNES, C64, etc. You have to practice to get good at it. So every chip musician that plays live or releases music online is a master of his or her craft (well, most of them, anyways), to put it simply. Then knowledge of the craft is put into use to make a musical piece that expresses the feelings, thoughts, notions and emotions of the musician. Even if the chiptune isn't about either of those, it's still written in a way so that it is pleasant to hear or dance to.
Chipmusic then, isn't just pressing buttons randomly to get attention, but an artistic way of expression. Whether other people will agree or not is not up to us. Every genre and medium of music gets shit every now and then, not just chipmusic. I wouldn't take it too presonally.