(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I think it could also be worth looking for small external number pads... the Game Boy has 8 buttons, a number pad usually has significantly more keys. If you wire the buttons to the numbers 1 through 8 on the number pad's PCB and map those keys to notes in software this could be your easiest way out. The PCBs of those are likely to fit in a DMG and there are even wireless ones using a USB dongle.

If you can't find anything reasonable in the states and are willing to order from Germany, Konsolenkost always has a few: http://www.konsolenkost.de/game-boy/zub … l-adapter/
(you can translate the page by clicking the flags in the top right corner)

I've only ordered one DMG there yet, but it was in great condition and I feel I can recommend them.

I have grey, green and black and now I know I'll definitely try my first case mod on the grey one. I think black looks really slick, no wonder it's scarce

I've just stumbled across the synthboy+ kickstarter page http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/763704741/synthboy which lists differently colored game boys at different pledge levels. If this can be trusted a possible ranking would be:

grey <-- easy to find
green <-- harder to find
clear <-- yet harder to find

which would be similar to what parallelis said.
not listed on there:

blue <-- I guess even rarer than the others
white <-- I know these are near impossible to get

edit: actually added link to kickstarter page

Hi people,

I've heard that there is a white Game Boy Play it Loud version with black buttons and print which is super rare... and blue is supposed to be hard to get, too... and that got me thinking.

Is there a ranking how rare certain colors of the DMG are? (including the original grey one)
I'd love to know which ones would be a must get if I see them on a flea market and also which one of the ones I own would be the least rare to destroy when I start modding the case and mess up.


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I've often used "Microsoft Talk it!" (talk it!.exe) that was part of a Windows 95 or 98 Plus pack I believe.
http://trixking.blogspot.de/2012/03/mic … nload.html <-- no guarantee that the download will work, I'm now on a Mac.

It has voice presets that can be tweaked. The "sung" option sings stuff at semi random piches, but if you set it to monotone you can set the pitch manually (especially nice with the big robot voice) ... I dialed in the pitches manually for the notes I wanted it to sing and combined the recordings in audacity. It has no export, I just recorded the system sound.

I checked a German seller of DMGs and they start around 15 Euros for ones that are beat up or have dead columns with prices up to 50 bucks for ones that are like new but without packaging. ebay has cheaper ones, but still above 20 bucks usually.

Either I've been lucky and Germany generally has higher prices for DMGs or I've not been able to find the cheap ones

Uhm... I thought 10/20 euros for a dmg was quite reasonable, especially if they are in good shape. Did I pay too much?


after buying my first DMG on a flea market for 10 Euros in good condition and my second one off Amazon used for 20 Euros, also pretty great condition (including brand new screen cover) I came across a third one yesterday in a second hand shop on which the start button was not working and which was pretty dirty. I got it for 10, scrubbed it, fully expecting it to be my replacement supplier should I fuck up my upcoming mods and applied some rubbing alcohol and now it's nice and clean and the start button works, too.

That's 3 Game Boys within 3 weeks! How many is too many? I feel like I've had enough for a few months.


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you lay out the pages like so

you'll get a neat little 8-pager that you can fold into a booklet with just one piece of paper and one scissor cut. You even only need to print on one side. Just fold it like the PocketMod:

I don't have my lsdj cartridge yet so I don't know what's a useful generic set of 8 pages. If there is any kind of consensus which 8 pages in a row would be useful for most lsdj users I could prepare a PDF with a readily printable version using above folding technique. (unfortunately the PSDs and PNGs of firsttenor show up blank on my machine other than lines for guides so I couldn't use it as a template)


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I really didn't know about the app, that is amazing


(52 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It would be awesome if somebody made a dedicated LSDJ notebook app for the most popular platforms so we can save the trees. Bonus points for sharing capabilities. 20x bonus multiplier for a built in emulated preview.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Oh yeah... Color-psychologically it should be taken into account that blues calm you and reds make you more active/aggressive ... what kind of music do you want to make? wink


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Green is a good idea because the eye can discern more green hues than any other color, I did see a teal one recently that I also really liked which is why I bought a teal backlight that I'll receive shortly. Blue is usually quite hard on the eyes for seeing contrasts.

Hi guys,

I'd like to install a DPDT switch somewhere, ideally on the right side above the volume pot or on the top opposite the power switch and I don't know how much space I have there / how small the switch would have to be.

Is there some kind of blue print / technical drawing of the DMG or some detailed photos of the inside with a size reference? Or can somebody who happens to have one open tell me the amount of space for a switch in those locations?

I can't open my DMG yet because my tri-wing is part of the order from kitsch which will take some time to get overseas and the next store selling electronics parts is an inconvenient distance away from this place, but I will be near it tomorrow and would like to buy parts ahead of time so I can start modding when the tri-wing arrives.

Thanks in advance

I think the double pole portion means each "throw" has two poles, hence the 6 pins I found while searching (2 per throw and 2 output pins) ... so the only logical conclusion I can come up with is that I wire right and left channel for headphones to one throw, right and left channel from prosound to the other throw and the two output pins to the right and left input on the jack ... and when I throw it one way or the other the jack gets either headphone signal or prosound signal.

Is that the same thing you meant? I can't quite tell...