(7 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

im doing a test run of it now, already it actually seems a lot easier on my eyes


(7 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

dear management

ok so i get that this website is very stylised and the colours make it chipmusic.org but sometimes when i read long posts it genuinely hurts my eyes

:' /

i'm not saying the colour scheme looks bad, just that it's a little harsh after reading a few posts , , , anyway, would you ever consider a less harsh palette @management would be nice and good for our eyes .

our eyes need a break after looking at tracker screen for days and this doesn't help ~  : P

hey! B- )

O_O !!!!!WTF!!!!! O_O



(5 replies, posted in Releases)



(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

what-ever feels right

in a sense this is exactly like asking  'whats ur fave genre? :- ) i like dubstep genre ' since tempo can usually define a genre

bringing back those blue carts this make me happy


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

phantasy star online blue burst
phantasy star online 2
gotcha force
super mario 64
zelda minish cap
super mario land 2
resident evil 4
banjo - kazooie
diddy kong racing

probably zelda oot as well

i only play phantasy star online games now though

np puke > : - )

make a databend topic please

this might be interesting to you .  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIjp1btMEQs


(47 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

question : how much does this cost in japan ? ..... how much is that translated roughly (or thoroughly) to $ ?

i chose token because it's a nice word : ) actually it's a better name than most artist names. token was the name i thought when i thought hey
''what if i get all the names on cm.o and put them in a list what name will be better than all of them??;)"

then the name that was better was token

so yea, thar ya go : )

i really love seeing people push limitations and i guess hacking   is very  kool ?

i love modding my gameboy and taking it to school so people think hey?? you're making music on that thing?? and im like heck  yeah ; ) check it out!! and then they are like wow that is impossible you're a genius i love it i love the music hackin g that you're doin

i also love the aspect that ican play live shows when we all know im not doing anything other than hitting play i love that we can just appreciate the music knowing that ......... chipmusic is amazing for me

Idio wrote:
token wrote:

this game has pretty bad lag but it's still v cool

Never change.


assuming u mean keep 3D off...................