I made this a couple of months ago, but didn't really have a proper chiptune outlet to get decent opinions from. This is literally the first song I've done so be kind. I'm using LSDJ, completely raw, so just the one copy, and it's done through an emulator (I don't yet have a cartridge to load it on to, but I should be getting one soon). So, urm yeah. Let me know where I'm going wrong (as I probably am) and hopefully how to put it right.
Thanks in advance
EDIT forgot to say, there's a lot of hissy crap at the start and end that I haven't bothered with getting rid of, as I've been quite busy, and I wasn't really planning on doing anything with this track, it was more of a test than anything. Also I feel that the second half is a lot stronger than the first, but I guess I want your opinion on that more than mine.