(123 replies, posted in General Discussion)

One direction
One direction
One direction
One direction
One direction

I have a feeling my dingoo is gonna sit around gathering dust when this comes in.

Now normally nintendocore makes me want to cut my ears off with a rusty spork, but this wasn´t half bad! As thebitmansaid, it needs a bit more polish, but you´ve got a knack for this.

Great music, and that album art is wonderful.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

My god. I would pay for this. And I'm not a fan of paying for things.


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'd like to write lot's of music. I don't care if it's good, I just want to do it more often. I also want to get ripped, because I'm an insecure little fuck.


(114 replies, posted in General Discussion)

basspuddle wrote:
boaconstructor wrote:

sitting at your desk by yourself playing jams that should be making bitches get dirty and shit

What are bitches?

And what is this "getting dirty" you speak of. I hope nothing too vulgar, my virgin eyes could not take it.


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

herr_prof wrote:

Actaully once you buy a mem card, sound card, midi, screen, usb powered hub and joystick the prices are about the same.

Already got all that lying around, so it is cheaper.


(798 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

I'm thinking of loading it onto a raspberry pi and running it there, it would be a good deal cheaper then buying a Dingoo or Psp. I'll see how that works when I finish my current Pi project.


(114 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I personally like streaming, its a good way to hear live music without the commute to shows. However, I don't even compare the two. It's a totally different experience, and both are enjoyable for different reasons. Of course I'd prefer a live concert, nothing beats jumping up and down like an idiot surrounded by a bunch of other sweaty people jumping up and down like idiots, but if there's a good stream, you can just about guarantee I'll be watching.

Yeah. When I started writing music, I released the three songs I wrote on the first day of getting lsdj, on the first day. To my horror, they are still floating around the internet (on newgrounds, under a different name) and I wish they were gone. Only now, after about a few years of using the program am I slightly more comfortable with what I write. So yeah, take your time, learn the nuances of lsdj, and then get out there and make a name for yourself. Also, music theory isn't that important, just learn the scales. If you really feel the need to, learn the circle of fifths. And if you ever feel like you can't write anything good, maybe you'll stumble across my early work, and after it makes your ears bleed you'll realize, in comparison, what a musical genius you are.


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Love to see you in Boston sometime!

A nice project for winter break. Count me in!

This blows my first track out of the water. Mostly because my first track was made with only the pulse channels because I had no idea what I was doing. But seriously, it seems like you got a handle on the program pretty fast.

Great stuff! The sounds you use are so rich, looking forward to hearing more.


(40 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I use a thick pink woolly sock.