My tracking number does not work, "product not trackable" at , not sure if I read somewhere on this site that international express mail would not be trackable..not sure.
mine is shipping to FRANCE.
Just to have an estimation of the delivery time, anybody experiences that ?


(53 replies, posted in Sega)

Nice source for the SN76489? any experiment on ebay?


(39 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Thanks 4 the tips ! smile


(39 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Nice stuff smile
by the way do you need a mac to develop for IOS? I assume the answer is yes but just to be sure...

little-scale wrote:

I'm just saying that - from, let's call it a philosophical point of view - I would not want to add a newly synthesised music part to increase the bass, rather I would want to just use an audio signal as an input to an audio process of some sort.

I like how bassy and over the top trap music and related genres sound, and I'm wanting to get a similar feel with my chipmusic.

Ok, I see, EQ is the best way in this case, if you solo listen each track from a very well mixed music, you will notice how lame each part will sound on their own...but together the picture is wonderful.

I will add that in terms of bass if you are going into the sub range, subs need to be clean.

I have used in the past some bass maximizer in studio, not sure if it was BBS...I have to double check that, but basically the idea here is to excite the bass harmonics part or synthesize some.
Why it is not working well with GB music?, do you generate the sine part from the game boy too?

Not specialize in chip music but in general terms, some brainworks plugins are pretty good for mastering...
Some useful general tips:
keeping the bass power at or near the center (mono) help getting more bass power from speakers, distorting a bit will enhance harmonics and presence. Using analog gear can help too.
Last but not least , tuning drums with the bass part(s) can also greatly enhance the bass power.
If your original sound lacks bass you can double it with a clean sub one (sine wave, bit of drive), easily controllable in the mix.
leave space for the bass where bas is not really needed. smile

Nice news in my email box smile smile smile
looking forward to team this device with fmdrive! smile

My guess is that Seb might come up with GENMDM 103...So as we wait for some news, how do actual genmdm owners use the stuff, any music we should listen, tips n tricks, pics, mods... etc?

analog monster wrote:

It did take quite a while for the last batch to be sent out, then for some people 2 months of shipping on top. Enough people asked if they could pay more for faster shipping that he made it an option for the latest batch, but at that point none had been built from that batch. A few weeks ago (easter weekend i think) he showed boards and parts had arrived and he was starting to build that weekend, but this is one guy building and testing by hand in his spare time. Im sure he will be in touch soon with an update

Yeah I know what it is like, I am actually quite slow down too on any development dealing with the fmdrive release and it is just a software, so building  electronics things... hope he make a statement soon anyway smile

NEW launch video added to the description. Looking forward to start some video tutorials smile
"PSG sounds comes from the unreleased 8-BITE VST"


(34 replies, posted in Sega)

TmEE wrote:

Saturn has a very powerful sound setup...

You have 32 channels/operators. Each channel can either be an operator or a PCM channel. You can have as many FM channels as you wish, limited by your operators... you can have 31 one operator channels and 1 PCM channel or perhaps 1x 32 oprator FM channel. Each op/ch has self feedback, and you can tie the oprators in almost any algo you want. One operator can have 2x input operators, or 1 input operator + self feedback. You are NOT limited to certain waveforms (only with hardware vibrato, there you got sine, triangle, saw, noise, like OPM), you can use any kind of waveforms you want, even drum samples, lol.
Then there's the DSP. I have not figured out wether the DSP gets its default program from 68K/BIOS or its stored inside a ROM in the chip... you CAN load in your own DSP code though.
Then there's the lovely 68K in charge of all sound related tasks big_smile

You are meant to use its synthesis part for sounds rather than plain samples... you only have PCM sample support, no ADPCM (only if you do it in software on 68K) and raw PCM gets limiting with 512KB of sound RAM, but with FM you can do wonders with just one single 512byte sample !

I just read the manual...Indeed it is a beast, I might try to make vsti someday with that ^^

herr_prof wrote:

mac dudes: this might be useful:

I ain't got no MAC to test this workaround, so If someone manage to make it
POST pictures ^^!

Fatal Labyrinth wrote:

Donated! This is looking awesome, and I can't wait to get my hands on it.

Also, for anyone here looking to try out making music with the Genesis, even through trackers like Deflemask or VGM_MM, Aly's manual for the FMDrive is fantastic at spelling out the features and the basics of making FM instruments. I wish I had a resource like this when I started off with VGM_MM. Thanks a ton for making it free! I hope it helps more people looking to work on this great platform.

Thanks for that smile
the tfi  new converter is also free as is the tfi package (all folders with clean names^^)
also you might take a look at the content of the tfi presets inside each games folders and you will find that a bunch of tracks are lacking presets.
That is what the new converter is here for.
If you need the full tfi from one particular VGM song just convert it with the new converter!
you just have to drag n drop in onto the window smile

Sometimes you feel like...damn why I did not released that b4 !! smile sometimes if your creativity is kind o stuck, it might gives you some nice boost!