(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

"writing about music is like dancing about architecture".. it seems like u make a lot of these kind of threads but a track uploaded for cc is worth 1000 words..


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)



(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

just take a video w your iphone or something


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

link ur songs
edit: please

TheBronyChip wrote:
defPREMIUM wrote:

i thought that too but it looks like he tried that already tho (below one of the pics it says)

oh shit im blind lol

did he try cleaning the contacts with something?

yea, he also said that ;D although i guess he didn't specifically say he cleaned the contacts.. i assumed that is what he meant

TheBronyChip wrote:

i know the battery is just for saves but have you tried replacing it?

i thought that too but it looks like he tried that already tho (below one of the pics it says)

oh wow, this thread sounds like mariooooo!!

word, exactly

hmu if u ever need samples my man

pc is just as much hardware as a psp wink in this situation at least.. you know what i mean. lgpt isn't running on an emulator on a pc- it is a normal tracker program.


(106 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

the ones i've seen have been $50-70 ish


(106 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

yes he posted bad info, that is true, but the mistakes he made seemed honest enough- someone who doesn't know the difference between bits and bytes is bound to make some mistakes. tho sure maybe he should have researched better. and he only knew what was inside once he called someone to find out.. idk it just seems to be less of a big deal than people are making it on this thread. simply don't buy it.. he is not attacking anybody by inadvertently posting inaccurate info about a device that nobody wants in the first place, at least not for that price.


(106 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

how dare he not know everything about the device!!!!!!!!!!!
and how dare he say it is a nintendo device when it isn't!!!!!!!!
oh wait he never did that
but still yea WHAT A DICK RIGHT

ah i found that thread i was talking about: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/11404 … e-updated/

edit: i guess it is for the gb boy color tho


(25 replies, posted in Releases)

i wan

nice, i recall a thread somewhere that was sort of a collection of information about the gb boy.. i can't seem to find it. i bet this vid would be a good addition to the thread tho if anyone is able to find it