nitro2k01 wrote:

Why use Audacity for this? Any good tracker will offer a way to draw waveforms in the program.
Milky: Hold shift while holding the mouse button.
Renoise: Select the draw tool. Renoise will also create ask to create a new waveform if you're trying to draw on an empty one, which will be correctly tuned by default.

true but i use mostly piggy which can't.. i will use this tutorial- thanks!

monotron, join the stockwave revolution and participate in the collab!

i) sure. i would ask that you stay true to your style and at least make the track ironic wink
ii) yes. a stock image album cover is already in the works.


(45 replies, posted in Releases)

some parts of racer hex are hard to believe it is lsdj.. so amazing



(45 replies, posted in Releases)

very fresh, catchy, sexy lsdj work- not to mention the recording/production quality. this is a memorable album- i ordered the physical copy because i heart love through cannibalism's artwork!

i'm not sure i understand

hello, if you haven't heard of the cutting-edge new sub-genre of electronic experimental music "stockwave", take a quick read of this thread.

stockwave is merely an infant in its maturity as a genre, having really only one song ("deep chillout" by artist dreamstock) to show for itself. i propose a chip-oriented stockwave collaboration to help bring this genre to the next stage in its development: early childhood.

to prepare, i provide these links as basic listening material:

"Very inspiring, wonderful, and motivating music" from MovieMusicMasters
"Happy Music Royalty Free" from royaltyfreetracks
"Soaring Spirit" from pinkzebramusic


all sounds [with exception below] used in your track(s) must come from obviously you can slice and dice the sound files you find on this site however you wish.

exception to above rule: you are permitted to use some sort of simple waveform samples to bring a chip-esque feel into the track. no strict rules here.. i think you know kind of what i mean.


.wav is highly preferred! you can just send me a download link smile anytime before the release date (below) is fine!

stockwave tracks generally take very little time and effort to produce, so i am going to set the entry period for this compilation at ONE WEEK: from now to 11:59pm july 1st.

the release will be a free to download bandcamp release.


people, this will change lives- or at least make people feel awkwardly relaxed. post below or PM me to make known your intent to contribute! what do you say, little-scale? saskrotch it would make my life if you jumped on this as well.


victory road


STOCKMOSH GLITCH IMAGERY by KeFF! (the album cover!)

if little-scale is up for it.. it could be a one song compilation for all i care. i think i'll make a compilation thread!

i guess i'd agree with that statement (though i don't know if you're actually saying that or being sarcastic)..
i would say stockwave represents a choice of source material, an aesthetic, as well as a certain musical structure: it is electronic music that references the particularly tedious new-agey repetitive droney background music found on relaxation playlists on youtube. in that way i'd say it is a genre.

but really, "genre" is such a small word for such a non-confrontationally untameable force as stockwave, don't you think? who could ever hope to harness it in its rather disappointingly dynamic-less splendour? it is time for us all to accept stockwave into our hearts. it is time for a stockwave compilation.

ohhh i see yea it did go over my head heart i haven't really read chipmusic arguments that much..

Saskrotch wrote:

you guys are arguing over some fake shit that just got made up

i was responding to your argument wink
edit: and we're more discussing than arguing

kineticturtle wrote:
defPREMIUM wrote:

stockwave and plunderphonics are completely different

Can't agree with this. Stockwave might be a "subgenre" of plunderphonics, if you even consider plunderphonics a genre in the first place.

Realistically, plunderphonics is like chipmusic, a set of tools. Stockwave seems to be the making of a particular kind of music using plunderphonic techniques and very specific source material.

i see what you're saying. i guess the main difference (though not the only) would be in the philosophy of the two genres. all of the material used in stockwave is royalty free (even the picture on the album cover which still has its watermark) and it is specific in that it references a certain type of forcibly "nice" media found in the stock music/images world; whereas john oswald sort of went out of his way to use copyrighted material without paying royalties- not to mention plunderphonics is pretty broad and unspecific as far as its general sound is concerned. i see them as pretty different, with the only big similarity being that they are both sample-based genres.

Saskrotch wrote:

not really a genre as much as a production aesthetic

i could see that, but i guess it would depend on how you define a genre.. i would consider vaporwave to be a genre where some people would say it is whatever genre it is drawing from/mimicking- i.e. lounge, smooth jazz, etc.

stockwave and plunderphonics are completely different


a contemporary experimental form of electronic music; a tribute to all things stock (i.e.,;
the least offensive of all genres, stockwave is as underwhelmingly pleasant and non-descript as its source material.
jump on the bandwagon while it is still royalty free!