Yep. Cannot wait. I have a good model 1 and a va7 if anyone is looking for one.

thats probably exactly what it is. you can see it in both videos.

ovenrake wrote:

making more gameboy trackers for us is like bringing beer to a bar.

Let's make one thing clear. You can never have enough beer.

The Silph Scope wrote:
2PLAYER wrote:

How about a virtualboy tracker? I want to write...IN 3D!!

LEDs gooooooooo!

There's even this little guy: http://www.richard.hutchinson.dsl.pipex … page_9.htm

Hell, there is even an extension port on the system. Varduinoboy???

How about a virtualboy tracker? I want to write...IN 3D!!

...simply beautiful.

Wrote my last album with mGB and midiNES. Looking forward to throwing some FM into the mix with MDM

I'm in as long as that is the cover art

This is what I remember christmas feeling like


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

But you know you've really made it when the girl is only slightly buzzed.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Saskrotch wrote:

kkrusty actually played a show where some of our super fans literally threw money at him during his set. i wish i had been booked that night.

This is awesome.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's a very lucrative career. I would quit whatever job you have now and immediately start writing chip music. Just think, it's like being a professional musician only you make video game music. People will practically throw money at you.

Victory Road wrote:

i have no idea how to do this, btw. i'm just putting time in to make something pretty basic so other, busier people don't have to! tongue

Ya, can't do it with a dashboard but you could with synthmaker. I've never used that before though. Wish FL knew that when I put a range of 0-3 for a CC i meant 4 values spread across the 128

Victory Road wrote:

synthedit is a bit of a dinosaur and can't output CC commands out of the box, heh.
alternatively i could create a dashboard preset for FL Studio users

Ya I am going to scrap together a dashboard preset as well but I was hoping for something that would display the DAC waveform and FM operators as you tweak them.

Victory Road wrote:

i'll have a go at making a VST interface in synthedit once my friend gets one of these and we can actually test it!

YES. This and so much this

Looks so nice! Now all I need is a vst for fl studio. Not sure how clean I could keep it using the default midi out pages.there are so many parameters