
Hey if you need another contestant let me know

And now we play the waiting game...I think I'll just sit on my stoop till this come in the mail


(32 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Frostbyte wrote:

yo trash, would there be a way to stack these and get like, 4 channels out of one unit?

This is what my question was getting at. Would it cost 70 for each channel we wanted or is there a way to use one midi top for multiple boards and just use different midi channels


(32 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Ah, so we are looking at probably $70ish to create one. That PWM sounds so good.

So is this single channel monophonic?


(32 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Sooo we can controll it with just midi CCs? Who do I give my money to, because I'm just waving it around in the air right now.

Very excited for this


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

thanks guys! glad you are rocking out to the album


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

2PLAYER - Infinity Force

In the extremely distant future a galactic plague that once lay dormant in all life is awoken. It seems all hope is lost until a band of mercenaries join forces to fight for all of humanity. This group of galactic soldiers of fortune is known as the Infinity Force.

All tracks written by 2PLAYER on both a midiNES and an arduinoboy

I have always change the cents of my instruments so that my song is worth more


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

did you figure out if it was writing to the arduino properly?


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Try swapping the points on the brown pin 4 wire and the 270 resistor in line with the 6n138


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You should just have the one light on when it is connected to the gameboy. Are you running it off the +V line on the gameboy link? I would check your connections to the midi socket and that you have the proper wires connected for the link cable. My drawing is 3D for both those components and what you see is what you would see of you were holding it in front of your face. Made more sense to me like that. So check to make sure you're wired up correctly there. Also, we may be able to help a little more if you have some pictures


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The lights should flash when a note is played on whichever channel. Are you in the right mode?

Here comes a new challenger!


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Glad it helped you guys out